For a long long time this hasn't happened,but next week i have a 'job' interview.

Jan 17, 2004
It's not nessecarily a job interview, it's basically a appointment with a organisation. It's for a course/study, to become health-care assistant.
So we're gonna have a talk and they'll want to know about me.

I'm a guy, 27 years old and unemployed for almost a year now, except for 3 months that i worked at a company last year in march,april and may, it would be a year. Since last year september i receive money from the state. Because i am unemployed, as long as i do job-hunting i will receive money so i can live. I have no idea what to call it in english, but in dutch we call it 'Bijstand' .

With a job-coach i talked about my posibilities, what they were. Since i don't have a real education, well....i do have one, but it really ain't much. And that's why its quite hard to find a decent job, at all. My job coach told me that there's a good chance i could always find work in the area that i always worked at. For nine years i have worked at a metal/aluminium factory, great work...nice atmosphere, small place...but sadly..the boss quit with it and didn't give me or my two co-workers any posibility for other work.

So there's not much possible for me, except for factory work, but no thank you. However, there's this course/study that lets people like me learn to be a healthcare assistant, and in the process getting a better education. The downside for me no doubt is gonna be that i absolutely have zero experience in this field...but who knows,maybe this doesn't matter.

But today i received a letter for a interview, for a conversation. The thing is...i have been unemployed for a long time now,and i actually have gotten used to it. I would lie if i didn't say i wasn't enjoying all this free time, cause i definitely am. To be real's gotten to a point now that i really don't see what working day and night (had to throw a joke in it, lol) is good for. If it wasn't for the money that you need to live...i probably wouldn't be, i am just very honest now.I simply don't believe in the 'Hey you gotta work man, its a must...its mandatory in life' thing, i just don't.

However, when i still had my job and i was happy...i never thought like that. So i'm pretty sure it's because of what happened. How everythng went. One day you have a job....and it all seems so certain, the next day you're jobless. make a long story short, this really does sound like a great opportunity, to get somewhere. To get a better education, even with all this uncertainty...and many doubts about what i actually want out of life....i have to make something of it. Any advice? :)
I'm very happy to hear about your new opportunity. I hope it goes well for you. Remember to be calm. Be sure to sell yourself. Show that you are willing to learn. Show that you worked at the other place for 9 years so that means you have a level of loyalty to your employment. Show that you want to better yourself and because of your wonderful qualities ( mention some of them with out sounding cocky) you think would be a good opportunity to share what skills you have while building upon them to make yourself a valuable asset to any company.

Let us know how it went. Be confident. At the very least you get interviewing experience and that is good.

Take care.