Footage of Mike in the gold pants, military jackets and fedora.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know the gold pants have a sexual connotation with the ladies up here but I assure that's not the purpose of this thread. The Gold pants, with the military jackets and fedora is the quintessential Michael Jackson look and I don't understand why they limited the footage of him in that outfit so much. For the overly defensive fans up here, this is not a rant at all. I'm just wondering how Ortega and co went about choosing the footage. If I was in their position I'd try to show MJ in outfits that most closely resemble his stage appearance.
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. Maybe Kenny and the rest of the producers went with what they thought Michael would've wanted in terms of the quality of the peformances? Best moves, etc.
I don't think they took the best moves in the movie

Ps. There are boys who like the goldpants to you know :p
me neither, they should have showed more later rehearsals, more than 50% of the film was really early rehearsals, i know they want to show the progress and everything, but, there was just too much off the red shirt for me, and the orange skinny jeans
yes, the orange jeans is :O not the best..........but the red shirt have I bought, I will get it in a couple of days :D but it was to much of it :( more gold pants :D and less glasses! :D
The Gold pants, with the military jackets and fedora is the quintessential Michael Jackson look

Yes, Yes, thanks for saying that! I felt the same when I saw that look on him! I was excited but, yea they didn't use enough of that look:( And also the black high pants with the gold jacket fitting to his waste was so MJ too and they didn't use much of that either! :( My guess is there was not enough dancing and singing but more talking during those performances with those outfits maybe, don't know?
I loved that awesome outfit - why wasn't much of it at all shown? The gold pants, military jacket and fedora is classic MJ.

They show a varied version of Drill in the Dancing Machine featurette with a few different angles/rehearsals including quite a lot of that outfit but the lighting and angle is really dark and bad (excuse the pun!).
this one?
oh my. them gold pants are sizzling.. so sparkly.
and OMG is that a Heal the World jacket he wore on the Dangerous tour?!?!?!?!
I LOVE you Michael.
you have always looked amazing to me.
I also thought it's about angles but there are some parts in Smooth Criminal where he is wearing the pants and they just cut out to the orange skinny Jeans. On "Human Nature" there's a part where he does the side slide on one foot, locks/pops , brushes his shoulder and then walks away. THEN they cut it! Why? Look at that part at the end of the song where the screen splits, the gold pants screen is the best, check how he flips his jacket.
I think this film should have been edited by an MJ fan.

You know, that's a very interesting point. Whenever theres new books released or new repackaging of old stuff, or dvds..I really feel MJ fans like us should be involved..because we really KNOW what we want and how we want it.
I'm loving every look with Michael's & even the gold leotard ; but when l was younger, I used to think he borrowed it from Madonna lol - because madonna had something similiar on her Blonde Ambition Tour :hysterical:
I loved that awesome outfit - why wasn't much of it at all shown? The gold pants, military jacket and fedora is classic MJ.

They show a varied version of Drill in the Dancing Machine featurette with a few different angles/rehearsals including quite a lot of that outfit but the lighting and angle is really dark and bad (excuse the pun!).

I truly believe, we'll have a complete performance from This Is It, and I reckon it will be released end of June, showing him in the gold pants. There's a clip of TWYMMF where he's wearing the gold pants, and he just looks really happy.
Can I ask was it ever mentioned if Michael rehearsed Billie Jean in his regular outfit with the glove and fedora hat. It's something I've always wondered since his death.
the black jacket with the shoulderblades sticking up & out ; almost looks like the top he wore in Scream video
Yeah I want to see more footage.He looks so young and fresh in these pants... They have more footage I'm sure.
Going by all the footage we've seen so far, he rehearsed Human Nature, Drill/TDCAU and Smooth Criminal in the jacket.

And possibly HTW/WATW/WYBT as it is his HTW Dangerous Tour jacket, maybe even more like Stranger In Moscow.
lol yea, alot of the clothes they showed MJ in was stuff that he prolly just wore to the rehearsals, so it wasnt like him gettin "in" costume for a rehearsal. i agree, i didnt get some of the outfit choices, like the stuff he had on for Human Nature, altho i DID like seein him in da Ed Hardy pants and Flite jacket during Threatend and Earth Song. That was def more of an urban look for MJ lol that i dont think many ppl are used to seein him in