Foot Found Inside Baby's Brain


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hollywood Blvd With My Boy Ryjin .. Las Vega's
i was just surfing the net on my surf board and come across this strange article .... Foot Found Inside Baby's Brain

// // LOGIN_URL="!doDefault.action?key=33becc30c92efc519d2216f6b49369a1&rebound=/skynews/Home/World-News/Colorado-Springs-Baby-Sam-Esquibel-Has-Tiny-Foot-And-Hand-Inside-Brain-Tumour-Doctors-Say/Article/200812315185873?lpos=World_News_Article_Body_Copy_Region_0&lid=ARTICLE_15185873_Colorado_Springs_Baby_Sam_Esquibel_Has_Tiny_Foot_And_Hand_Inside_Brain_Tumour%2C_Doctors_Say"; //]]> Surgeons have discovered a baby's "brain tumour" is in fact a tiny human foot and some other body parts.


Finding body parts inside tumours is extremely rare, doctors say

As well as the foot, a partially formed hand and thigh were found inside Sam Esquibel's head during an operation.
The three-day-old child had surgery after an MRI scan revealed a small tumour.
But doctors at the Colorado Springs Memorial Hospital for Children soon discovered what was really wrong.
"It looked like the breach delivery of a baby, coming out of the brain," Dr Paul Grabb said.
"To find a perfectly formed structure (like this) is extremely unique... unusual... borderline unheard of," he added.
Medics have not yet worked out why the body parts were inside Sam's brain.
There is speculation it could be a congenital tumour or a rare case of "fetus in fetu" - where a baby begins to grow inside the body of its twin.
Sam is recovering from the October 3 surgery at home with parents Tiffnie and Manuel but faces monthly cancer checks and physical therapy to improve the movement in his neck.
"You'd never know if he didn't have a scar there," his mother said.,_Doctors_Say
That is totally on earth did that happen?
That's the excat same thing i was thinking when i first read it....but still is a lil strange.
So weird.
What a story he has to tell when he grows up... "I had body parts in my brain" :blink: