Followers and fans organize Heal the World for Children festival in LA to continue Michael's legacy


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Apologies if I haven't posted this in the right place.

I just wanted to let you know that Michael's fans and followers are organizing a festival for children in LA for his bday. It will be a nice event, hopefully the first in a long series to keep the legacy of our King and angel alive. He will smile down on us I'm sure.
If you are around, please come to share sweet memories, to celebrate together his message, his love, his essence, by helping children. Our budget this year is limited and we encourage your donations, however small. We all can make a difference. Here is the website:

We are putting a lot of energy and all our soul in this event. We hope it will help us start to heal. I'm looking forward to seeing you there.
Lots of love,
this is what Michael would want....REAL fans know that
Brilliant! Good luck with it all! If I could be there I would. :) Michael would be proud!
Wonderful idea. I was watching the video for Heal the World earlier & got very sad thinking that now he's gone, who would take his place & carry on his good work and here you are posting this! Beautiful. I'd love to go but can't as I'm in England but I wish you all the luck in the world. xxx
This is wonderful. I really wish I could participate, but I am on the east coast. My thoughts and spirit will be with you all.

Please a pray this will be an annual event, because I would love to participate in future preparations.
That's such a good idea! I love it! Good luck with everything and I'd love to see some pictures afterwards. :)

I wish we could set up this huge charity/organisation/annual event to keep on doing what Michael did for the world. It would've been the most wonderful tribute to him.:(
Awesome!! I hope the media covers it..please inform local tv stations. I live in Vancouver and will try to make it.
If you want to donate scroll down on the website and click Donate through paypal.

Yes, we invited people close to Michael, we'll take pictures. We want to make this into a proper non-profit organization in the future, definitely have annual events all over the world, the fans and friends are global. Let's keep him alive in our hearts and spread his message!
I will not be able to attend crisa but I WILL make a donation.....This is for Michael.....I love you Michael... thank you again Crisa..:)
Done .....donation complete...I am so happy that we can help to carry on the work that Michael started...:)
Ooh, the video is awesome. It's just amazing what you have done. Shure Michael is proud of you!
Apologies if I haven't posted this in the right place.

I just wanted to let you know that Michael's fans and followers are organizing a festival for children in LA for his bday. It will be a nice event, hopefully the first in a long series to keep the legacy of our King and angel alive. He will smile down on us I'm sure.
If you are around, please come to share sweet memories, to celebrate together his message, his love, his essence, by helping children. Our budget this year is limited and we encourage your donations, however small. We all can make a difference. Here is the website:

We are putting a lot of energy and all our soul in this event. We hope it will help us start to heal. I'm looking forward to seeing you there.
Lots of love,