Flowers at the o2.. till when?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
I'm going to London in september and on september 3rd I plan to go to the o2 for a little while to light a candle, burn incense or bring flowers (dunno which yet) but now i wonder wether that's still possible by then. I mean now there is a special place there but they have to clean it up one day:cry:

Does anyone know? Not that when i decide on flowers when there is no special place to put them:unsure::no:
hi, i went there on saturday and there's a sign up saying that the memorial flowers and posters etc etc will be cleared up on the 14th or 15th july, can't remember which, but im sure after this date people will continue to leave messages and other forms of condolence so im sure there will be somewhere for you to leave them :)
there was a sign there saying they'd clear it up on the 14th. there was a petition going round that fans were signing to leave all the memorial stuff up for the course of the 50 dates.
I was due to go on the 1st August and want to go and light a candle.
It's not fair that the O2 will be removing this.
I'm sure they would never have to deal with this on this scale again, so I am sure they can cope....just this once!
Is there a petition online? .... can we contact anyone at the O2? Does not have to be a massive area, just somewhere where the fans can go! :(