Flower arrangement from ALL the fans for the services


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hey guys, i thought there were already 2 threads started about this but maybe they got deleted because we said it was for Friday or maybe they got deleted because we're not regulars here or staff. can i PLEASE PLEASE ask that the mods not delete this? everyone can make their own judgement if they want to trust us or not. i know there's an mjjc arrangement going to hayvenhurst but this is different. this is for the funeral / services. and maybe some want to give to both.

this will be from all the fans around the world. everyone one that's physically in LA now is working together to collect the money. we want to make the biggest and most beautiful arrangement ever made. we were thinking of a HUGE heart with white roses. HUGE!!! i have found a couple of florists here that are willing to work with us and they can design/create anything we want. so the more money we get the more amazing we'll make it. make ur contribution to this paypal account:


we can provide a paypal statement and an invoice from the florist to assure you that all the money was spent on this.

just incase we run into a roadblock where we are not able to deliver a flower arrangement, if the services are super private only or something. then we'll donate the money to make a wish foundation then make a huge banner saying so and place it where family, friends, and media can see. we just have to wait and see what the final plans are but whatever the plans ur money will not go to waste.

again, MJJC is not in any way promoting or collecting for this arrangement. this is just simply from "the fans".
thanks guys. i've gotten $700 so far and there are 2 other european accounts collecting. lets take everyone's breath away. keep it coming. i promise i'll post the paypal statement (i'll post all the individual payments by covering up most of ur email address so that only u know it's u) and i'll post an invoice from florist.
hey girl I posted a thread.. yesterday again for tuesday.. Dude.. I can't believe this...its sooo weird and heartbreaking....:-(