Flo Anthony can Fans please educate me, Thank U


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
New Zealand
I have watched a few MJ Documentaries with her interviewed in them, they just say family friend. She seems to be a bit hard on girls that MJ has said he likes. It's hard to sort out who is MJ's friend or foo. Thank u for your help:)
tbh shes a bit of a media whore. was always named a family friend etc. but would say stupid things like mj threw his kids toys out after they only used them for one day and would then buy new ones. then 2 seconds later said she had never been around him or the kids. shes a mj supporter in one sense but just another annoying "friend" on the other hand
tbh shes a bit of a media whore. was always named a family friend etc. but would say stupid things like mj threw his kids toys out after they only used them for one day and would then buy new ones. then 2 seconds later said she had never been around him or the kids. shes a mj supporter in one sense but just another annoying "friend" on the other hand

Hy thanks for that:)
lol I read the one about the toys somewhere and thought that doesn't sound like MJ it's not very environmentally friendly.
She was a tabloid reporter for the ny post corrupt PAGE SIX. My mom said she bashed MJ pretty good. During the 1993 allegations she surprizingly came to MJ'S defense. She was either the only, or first reporter MJ invited to the set of SCREAM for an exclusive interview. She had a bit of access to MJ. She has strong connections to the JACKSON family. Looking at her interviews from 1993 on, she was a fierce defender of MJ. Unfortunately she hasn't shed her tabloid stripes.
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She was a tabloid reporter for the ny post corrupt PAGE SIX. My mom said she bashed MJ pretty good. During the 1993 allegations she surprizingly came to MJ'S defense. She was either the only, or first reporter MJ invited to the set of SCREAM for an exclusive interview. She had a bit of access to MJ. She has strong connections to the JACKSON family. Looking at her interviews from 1993 on, she was a fierce defender of MJ. Unfortunately she hasn't shed her tabloid stripes.

Thanks for that.
I wonder what her beef with LMP, Brooke and Tatum, she comes across as so jealous of them, it borders on mean.
I have watched a few MJ Documentaries with her interviewed in them, they just say family friend. She seems to be a bit hard on girls that MJ has said he likes. It's hard to sort out who is MJ's friend or foo. Thank u for your help:)

yeah, we are billions of fans and we can't always figure oit who MJ's friends are and distinguish them from foes. i can only imagine how hard that was on only one MJ..them coming at him from all directions, intensely
tbh shes a bit of a media whore. was always named a family friend etc. but would say stupid things like mj threw his kids toys out after they only used them for one day and would then buy new ones. then 2 seconds later said she had never been around him or the kids. shes a mj supporter in one sense but just another annoying "friend" on the other hand

hmmm...she sounds like a creep if you ask me.....maybe bipolar...who's to know..
She was a tabloid reporter for the ny post corrupt PAGE SIX. My mom said she bashed MJ pretty good. During the 1993 allegations she surprizingly came to MJ'S defense. She was either the only, or first reporter MJ invited to the set of SCREAM for an exclusive interview. She had a bit of access to MJ. She has strong connections to the JACKSON family. Looking at her interviews from 1993 on, she was a fierce defender of MJ. Unfortunately she hasn't shed her tabloid stripes.

Your Mother is wrong Flo never ever bashed Michael. She is a media whore true but she never bashed him
Your Mother is wrong Flo never ever bashed Michael. She is a media whore true but she never bashed him

Yes she did.!! How can you work for THE NY POST(worst news paper in the world) and not bash MICHAEL JACKSON.?? It is required of you. I have seen videos of FLO ANTHONY on tabloid shows like CBS GERALDO giving MJ the buisness. Although she became a huge MJ supporter my mom still cannot stand her. She was LATOYA'S confidant, when LATOYA was touring the world with her husband trashing MJ.