Flight catastrophie in Spain


Proud Member
Mar 25, 2008
Have viewed yesterday CNN and that terrible flight catastrophie in Spain, it was going to fly to Canary Islands!
2 months ago when I was going to fly back from Crete to Austria after having the vacation there, 1 week before my flight back I've dreamt of a plane catastrophie where the plane got torn into 2 parts and the forepart of the plane was falling on the ground and I was on the ground, after dreaming of this I was afraid to fly and asked for seats at the emergency exit. But could I have dreamt of that catastrophie?
That is so sad.. there's quite a lot deads now, isn't it something like 146 now? :(

Btw, interesting dream that you had Magicgirl...
It's so sad. :sad: Still they say that it's safer to sit on the plane than in a car... because you don't know about all the car accidents in the world... but when a plane has an accident, then all the people in the world would know about it.
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My heart and prayers go out to all the victims and their families and also all those who've been hurt! It's such a tragedy!:no:
poor souls. what a horrible way to go in a fireball
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