Five reasons for a non-fan to discover the brilliance of Tori Amos.


1. She is to the piano what Michael is to dancing. When she plays the piano, it flows through her body so naturally, it is like she is being possessed by a higher power.


2. She is responsible for many of the best albums released in the 90's and the 00's. Little Earthquakes, From The Choirgirl Hotel, The Beekeeper, Abnormally Attracted To Sin.

3. She is a true eccentric, it is not faked or an image. Like Michael, she is never afraid of being different, whether it's the clothes she wears or some of the quirky/borderline insane things she says in interviews (watch the Youtube clip of her being interviewed on Loose Women - it is brilliant car-crash TV, she is totally like a duck out of water).

4. She is the most prolific and consistant artist around today. She generally releases an album every other year, they are always over 20 tracks long and she never ceases to amaze me how she can write and release so much quality material on such a regular basis.

5. Watch these and tell me she is not a genius:
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Big Tori fan here.

This is the Tori Amos I love:

iieee is indeed a very special song.

I love the improv part at the end. It's so haunting and moving. She's singing about her miscarriage and she's basically saying to God, "I know you understand how it feels" (because of Jesus's crucifixion) so then why did you take my daughter?

That's heavy stuff right there.