Five dead in knife attack at Belgian creche



Five dead in knife attack at Belgian creche

Three children and two adults are reported to have been killed in a knife attack at a creche in Belgium.

By Nick Squires
Last Updated: 11:10AM GMT 23 Jan 2009

Inside of the creche in Dendermonde: The knifeman, whose motive was unknown, fled the scene after the attack and is being hunted by police Photo: GETTY

The frenzied attack took place at the child care centre in Dendermonde, west of the capital Brussels.
Peter Cleymans, the director of Dendermonde's ambulance centre, said that as many as 20 other children may have been wounded by the assailant.
The knifeman, whose motive was unknown, fled the scene after the attack and is being hunted by police, Belgian television reported.
The country's national crisis centre said there had been an attack in Dendermonde but could not confirm the deaths.
"We can only confirm that it's happening, we can't confirm the deaths or give any other details," said an official at the crisis centre.
Belgian television reports said that five people had been killed at the creche. Government officials would only confirm the deaths of at least one child and one adult.
Such an violent attack is rare in Belgium. Although the country has been plagued by notorious child abuse cases, it has escaped the shooting or stabbing attacks at schools witnessed in other European countries.
The shocking attack in Belgium came only hours after a man and a woman were killed in a shooting in a car park outside a school in Norway.
The incident, in the northern Norwegian town of Tromsoe, was witnessed by several children, according to local reports.
The national broadcaster NRK reported that the woman who was killed was a trainee teacher, although there was no official confirmation from police.

rom Times Online
January 23, 2009
Baby and adult killed in knife attack at Belgian nursery

The man suspected of the attacks fled the scene. Reports of his arrest were not confirmed by police

Joanna Sugden

div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited { color:#06c; } A baby and an adult were stabbed to death at a nursery in Belgium this morning, according to local authorities who revised the death toll down from a previous estimate of three.
At least 10 more people were injured in the attack when a man went on the rampage at the crèche in Dendermonde, northwest of the capital Brussels, before he fled on a bicycle.
The suspect, with his face painted black and white, has since been arrested police said.
Initial reports said that two children and an adult were killed but the Interior Ministry later confirmed that one baby and an adult had died in the attack.

Another child is said to be in a critical condition following the incident, according to local newspaper website HET Laatste Nieuws.
Peter Cleymans, director of Dendermonde Ambulance Centre, said: “At least 10 are injured. Ten, 15, 20 are injured, I don’t know."
Employees at the crèche said that a member of staff was among the dead. The attacker was not known to staff at the nursery, an employee said.
4 dead (3 babies) , 13 wounded...this is beyond my comprehension...
How horrible. I came to check the board because mjstributepage is from that region I think (maybe she is from Holland though) and has children in a special school, care center.

Anyway, what on earth would cause someone to do such a thing? And they article says there has been a string of child killings in Europe? I am at least glad to see this killer is caught.
I'm shocked, don't know what to say.
There are so many sick people in this world.. :(
awful i dont get it. Its just like why? so angry, but cant put into words. RIP innocent people, hope they catch the person who did this.
It's like this guy just thought, 'hey, you know what, my life's crap, so let's go stab some babbies!! It'll be so much fun! And I can make others' life crap as well!!'
I don't think I've ever wished death on anyone. But this... you, sir, are the first and I hope you die a painful, horrid death.
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apparently it was a joker style killing i dont know if it was based on the new movie tho

it was just a reference i found off sky news website as i was browsing the news

It appears to be just random stabbing by a man who had his face painted black. I don't see the Joker reference.
People trying to rationalise as always.
No,no no,
I'm from Belgium
Three people died, 1 adult and 2 babies , 2 more adults and 10 babies were wounded.
5 people could leave the hospital today, 1 baby is still on intensive care.
I couldn't believe it when I heard this!
It's one of those this that only happen far away...
The man is about 20 years old and he live in the neighbourhood, he wore a bulletfree jacket, made his face white, and his eyes black.
He got in the nursery somehow, then he went in the the room where the little babies were sleeping, on his way, he stabbed a woman who was in the kitchen then, he just started stabbing the babies...
Then he went to another room with toddlers ... he wounded several little children and caretakers. then he just calmly jumped on his bicycle and drove away!
All schools in the neigboorhood locked their doors, closed their windows and curtains, no children were allowed to go out anymore.
There were neighboors who saw what happened and who took all the kids who were playing outside in their home and locked their doors.
A man who could see the nursery from his house saw everything, he heard the kids screaming but he thought they were just exited because he thought the man was playing tag with them... until he saw police, firemen and doctors coming.
The police found the man pretty easily. When they were questioninging him, he gave them 5 different names so it took a while to identify him, they also said he would start giggling randomly. He had an axe, a fake gun and another knife in his backpack and some other addresses of other nurseries! His plan was to kill 67 people.
He still didn't admit anything...
Imagin what would have happen if the police didn't find him so quickly or if he would have used a gun!
There's something seriously wrong with him! He's either totally out of this world or a very dangerous psycho.
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We now know who did it.
This is a dutch article but look at him, he's a kid!
He's 20 years old, he quit his job a few weeks ago, nobody knows why.
People who worked with him said he rarely said a word and if he did, he mostly talked about his interest in 'weird movies' (whatever they mean by that).
He didn't use drugs or alcohol.
He still didn't admit the crime but people recognised him, there's no doubt he did it.

I'm not sure about the joker-stuff...
He did make his face white, his eyes black and heath ledger died exactly one year ago. But it all seems so ... weird.
My God! :no: What is this world coming to when it comes to some maniac going to a daycare or school and killing innocent children and adults? First the VT killing just a few days ago and now this? It was once said school was the safest place on earth and now there is no place in the world that is safe any longer. :(

I am a teacher in a daycare and hope to God I never see such a thing. Thank God we have security here at our daycare since we are affliated with the local hospital we get the special privilage of having security come check the daycare. It hurts to see innocent children and people get killed or hurt where they are supposed to be learning and all this crap just takes a toll on children who want to learn and teachers who want to teach. :no:

I shall pray for the victims and suviours of this tradgedy.
We now know who did it.
This is a dutch article but look at him, he's a kid!
He's 20 years old, he quit his job a few weeks ago, nobody knows why.
People who worked with him said he rarely said a word and if he did, he mostly talked about his interest in 'weird movies' (whatever they mean by that).
He didn't use drugs or alcohol.
He still didn't admit the crime but people recognised him, there's no doubt he did it.

I'm not sure about the joker-stuff...
He did make his face white, his eyes black and heath ledger died exactly one year ago. But it all seems so ... weird.

yes heath ledger died a year ago as of the 22nd
but apparently in a statement issued im not sure where i just got told about it he said he did this terrible crime to honour heath

i dont think thats very nice heath wouldnt want ppl to die this way becoz of a certain movie he made

its ridiculous
He did make his face white, his eyes black and heath ledger died exactly one year ago.
Heath died on the 22nd, this happened on the 23rd. So "exactly'" a year and one day ago (as I read somewhere). But that's utterly ridiculous.
According to wikipedia, a Roman emperor proclaimed his son co-emperor, so by that logic, maybe he did it to honour the occasion's 1616th anniversary?
I refuse to belive the connection, or I'm too stupid and naive to understand pscychotic minds.
Heath died on the 22nd, this happened on the 23rd. So "exactly'" a year and one day ago (as I read somewhere). But that's utterly ridiculous.
According to wikipedia, a Roman emperor proclaimed his son co-emperor, so by that logic, maybe he did it to honour the occasion's 1616th anniversary?
I refuse to belive the connection, or I'm too stupid and naive to understand pscychotic minds.

Oh, sorry for that mistake...
yeah, I don't believe it either.
I think it was just a stupid idea of the english tabloids.
Anyway, seems like he finally realised what he did and that he's probably going to jail for the rest of his life...
He's suicidal and refuses to eat... so he's now in the hospital:scratch:
Vigil for Belgium creche victims - BBC News ABC NewsVigil for Belgium creche victimsBBC News - 33 minutes agoThousands of people have marched in silence through the Belgian town of Dendermonde, where two babies and a nurse died in a vicious knife attack.Thousands pay tribute to Belgian daycare victims ReutersBelgians march over creche knife attack Sydney Morning HeraldThe Associated Press - Xinhua - - euronews

Creche killer's motives unknown

  • Bruno Waterfield, Dendermonde
  • January 27, 2009

THE man accused of knifing to death a teacher and two toddlers in a nursery in Belgium is displaying suicidal tendencies in his prison cell, judicial sources have said.
The 20-year-old suspect, Kim De Gelder, who is being held in the hospital wing of a prison in Bruges and is being force-fed, looked apathetic during a hearing on Sunday before magistrates.
Psychiatrists were due to interview him last night.
The suspect has remained silent about the reasons that led to the carnage in the kindergarten in Dendermonde, north-west of Brussels.
Sources have said that when De Gelder was arrested he had the addresses of three other creches and was armed with three knives, an axe and a replica pistol. He faces charges of triple murder and multiple counts of attempted murder.
On Sunday at least 6000 people marched silently through Dendermonde to the scene of the attack carrying white flowers, ribbons and balloons.
De Gelder, who dressed as the Batman character the Joker, during the attack has been described by former workmates as a "film freak".
The Fabeltjesland creche where the attack took place has been permanently closed
Corneel Vermeir, aged six months, Leon Garcia, nine months, and their carer Marita Blindeman, 54, were killed on Friday. One infant and a creche worker remain critically ill with knife injuries.
De Gelder has emerged as a troubled loner. "His nickname was Satan," said one former schoolmate.
Neighbours who knew his parents described De Gelder as "someone who lived alone in his own world".
"He was sometimes seen chattering away to himself," said one. "He was local, but he was a stranger to everyone here. He was a loner who shunned contact with others."
De Gelder resigned suddenly on December 22 from his job at a cash-and-carry company.

Belgian 'linked to fourth murder'

The victims' families were too grief-stricken to take part in Sunday's vigil

The Belgian man charged with killing two babies and a nurse at a creche near Brussels is also suspected of killing an elderly woman, officials have said.
The 20-year-old man has been named by Belgian media as Kim De Gelder.
He was arrested following Friday's knife rampage through a nursery in the town of Dendermonde, in which 13 people were also hurt - most of them babies.
On Monday, officials said he was also suspected of stabbing a woman to death near Dendermonde earlier this month.
Prosecutor Christian Du Four told journalists the man was believed to have been behind "an abominable crime committed against a 73-year-old woman on 16 January".


There were "very clear indications of links between the murders", he said.
The woman was stabbed to death in her flat in Beveren, near the northern city of Antwerp, while her husband was out visiting neighbours, according to the AFP news agency.
Town shocked
On Sunday as many as 6,000 people marched in silence through Dendermonde, a small town in the north-west of Belgium.
Mourners laid wreaths at the site of the attack, where the two babies, who have been named as Korneel and Leon, were killed along with 54-year-old nursery worker Marita Blindeman, who died trying to protect them.

The local mayor said the Fabeltjesland daycare centre would never re-open.
The families of the victims were said to be too grief-stricken to take part in the vigil.

The mayor said the Fabeltjesland daycare centre would never re-open

The man charged with the stabbings and murders is due to appear in court on Tuesday. He was arrested hours after Friday's attack at the nursery.
The attack reportedly began after the suspect rang the doorbell at the nursery and told staff he needed some information.
When they opened the door, he ran in and "quickly pulled out a knife and started using it on the children", Mr Du Four said.
"He then went up to another floor and started doing the same thing again," he added.
The 10 children injured in the attack all had "multiple stab wounds on their legs, arms and all over their bodies", doctors said.
Mr Du Four said that man probably intended to attack other nurseries after carrying out the first attack.
"He had a list of three creches in Dendermonde, including the one where he acted," the prosecutor said.

Belgian creche stabbings: suspect quoted Heath Ledger

The suspect in the Belgian creche stabbings is said to have quoted Heath Ledger from the Batman film when he was arrested.

By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels
Last Updated: 12:33PM GMT 26 Jan 2009

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The suspect in the Belgian creche stabbings is said to have quoted Heath Ledger from the Batman film when he was arrested.

Kim De Gelder, aged 20, was arrested last Friday shortly after stabbing two babies and one of their carers to death in a gruesome attack that has stunned Belgium. He was dressed and apparently wearing make-up that gave him the appearance of the Batman character the Joker.
Investigators are examining whether the attack was timed to mark the first anniversary of the death of Heath Ledger, the actor who played the Joker in the film Batman, The Dark Knight.
It has emerged that when he was arrested, Mr De Gelder's only words were: "I have a question".
The words echo a scene in Batman: the Dark Knight when the Joker violently gatecrashes a party looking for a the fictional attorney general of Gotham City, Harvey Dent.
"I only have one question: where is Harvey Dent? I'll settle for his loved ones," says the character played by Ledger, before threatening a woman with a knife.
Patrick De Mey, the police officer who arrested Mr De Gelder, described the suspect as being in a passive and trance-like state.
"When I asked him to step off his bicycle and put his backpack on the ground he obeyed perfectly," he told the Gazet Van Antwerpen.
"But in answer to my questions, he clearly had no understanding. He continued to stare at me all the time with wide open eyes and a large grin on his face."
Mr De Gelder has been described by former schoolmates and work colleagues as a "film freak" and "movie addict".
Since his capture, he has not spoken and has gone on hunger strike.
He was reported to be on an intravenous drip in a medical facility in a prison in Bruges on Sunday night.
Ledger died of a drug overdose on Jan 22, 2008, a year and a day before Mr De Gelder is accused of carrying out the attack.
According to witness statements and police drawings, the suspect had painted his face white, blackened his eyes and had coloured his hair red.
His gruesome and bizarre garb prompted investigators to make the Joker comparison and make a link to another cult Goth film, The Crow, which inspired Ledger in his Batman role.
Belgium's Le Soir newspaper has even speculated on the significance of the fact that the name Gelder is an anagram for Ledger.
The Fabeltjesland, or Storyland, creche in the town of Dendermonde where the attack took place has been permanently closed to prevent children and parents being "constantly confronted with the buildings where the attack occurred".
Corneel Vermeir, aged six months, Leon Garcia, nine months, and their carer Marita Blindeman, 54, were killed on Friday when the assailant entered the creche and began to slash at the children and their adult supervisers.
Sources have said that when Mr De Gelder was arrested he had the addresses of three other creches on his person.
The theory that more attacks were planned is supported by evidence that the suspect was armed with three knives, an axe and a replica pistol.
Mr De Gelder will be examined by three psychiatrists before a closed court hearing on Tuesday decides if he is mentally responsible for his actions.
The young man, who lived his whole life within three miles of the family home, in the Eksaarde district of Sinaai, has emerged as a troubled loner.
Former classmates at the Roman Catholic Sint Carolus school, in the town of Sint Niklaas, described him as a fan of Goth music who could sometimes behave oddly.
He was nicknamed Satan because of his long black hair.
Mr De Gelder studied to become a chemist's assistant and successfully completed his exams in 2006.
^ That man has some searious troubles..
It's sad that Heath is now being pulled to this.
I agree, its sad that this moron had Heath's character as his example.
Pretty sick, especially because i am sure Heath was NOTHING like this sick monster.
three died two babies boys age 6 and 9 month and an 53 yr old woman about 10 in hospital still today several need severe plastic surgery that gives ypou an idea wht this idiot did to these liittle kids two baby girls are in very bad shape still on intensaive care and kept under sleeping medication
those poor parents i cant imagine lossing a kid iu pray for them
Yeah, and it looks like he killed a eldery woman a week earlier.


If one of my childeren was slaughtered like that i would lose my mind, how can you ever get over such a tragedy.
If one of my childeren was slaughtered like that i would lose my mind, how can you ever get over such a tragedy.
I don't think you can. You may not realise it but somethings change you completely.
i hope he dont bring heath down in this

Heath ledger may have played the joker but he certainly aint to blame for these deaths had he been alive today im sure he wouldnt of wanted his last movie to reveal such a tragic crime

he was a down to earth kind hearted human being this guy that committed these horrible crimes has nothing on heath and probably never will

just my opinion guys

RIP to all that lost their lifes :cry: