First new pictures of Murray.

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why is he still walking around a free man? The LAPD with their checkered past record, better not drop the ball on this one. I rather they take things slow, but the end results MUST be a conviction.

That pariah had no business administering propofol to MJ.
i feel sick.
what is he still doing walking around a free man? :( after what he did to our beautiful michael??? :no:

That is a question I still would love to have answer.

That just makes me absolutely sick and angry that there are new pictures of Dr. Death walking around free. When I will never see any new pictures of my beloved Michael ever again. I just hope he forever burns in hell for what he has done. I don't know how he can live with himself knowing that he has killed Michael Jackson.
Urgh, seeing that man makes me feel sick. :puke:
can ppl just post the actual pictures instead of giving links to trashy newspapers. stops them getting loads of hits and they can tell they are coming from mj sites
I want to see pics of him in handcuffs.

By the way, why did they say that 'Murray will claim it was Jackson who administered the fatal dose'? How could Michael do it himself, I mean physically? I don't think it's possible.
I want to see pics of him in handcuffs.

By the way, why did they say that 'Murray will claim it was Jackson who administered the fatal dose'? How could Michael do it himself, I mean physically? I don't think it's possible.
It is possible. It's given intravenously. There's a thread in the Investigative Forum listing cases of people administering it to themselves.
But yeah, I want to see the "doctor" in handcuffs too.
its not possible when u have alredy been given large amounts of benzos.
I want to see pics of him in handcuffs.

By the way, why did they say that 'Murray will claim it was Jackson who administered the fatal dose'? How could Michael do it himself, I mean physically? I don't think it's possible.

the nespaper and others have claimed this for a while its not new. its basically the only defence murray has. how ever illogical it is.and its irrelvent. doesnt matter who gave what when u dont call 911 for an hour and a half
sorry elusive, i tried to post just the pics but it did not work.
I want to see the doc locked up forever, and rather sooner than later!
Why is it taking so long ? I don't understand! I hope it because they want to make sure that they have a solid case against him and possible others.
why is he alive and michael not??? thats not fair. so at least he should be in jail for the rest of his fu*** life!!!!
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