First human sperm created in laboratory


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sydney, Australia
British Scientists Claim to Create Human Sperm

By VOA News
09 July 2009

Scientists in Britain report they have created the first artificial human sperm from stem cells.

Researchers at the University of Newcastle and the NorthEast England Stem Cell Institute said Wednesday they developed a new technique to make human sperm in a laboratory. They said the resulting cells showed characteristics of sperm, displaying heads, tails, chromosomes and movement.

Other scientists are not certain that what was produced is actually sperm. One of them, University of Sheffield professor Allan Pacey, said he is not convinced the cells function the way human cells would.

The scientists participating in the effort said their techniques need more research. But they said that one day, infertile men may be able to father their own biological children. The group has produced mice using artificial sperm, but those mice lived only a few months.

The research was published in the journal Stem Cells and Development.

The scientists have not announced intentions to create human embryos from the manufactured sperm. They said their intent is to study the reasons for infertility.

Producing embryos from manufactured sperm is banned by British law.

Yeah wow.

Hmmmm, don't wanna spy in researchers soup, but I really think it's more fun if human sperm is produced other ways, so maybe it should better just stay only that way?! lol
And why am I not surprised Cozzie was the one to post this?

woooooooooop Newcastle Uni is awesome!!!!!!!!! which made me think is it entirely crazy to think that possibliy possibly mj may have got designer babies for prince/paris? NO HATE xxxx and why would cozzie post this??
And why am I not surprised Cozzie was the one to post this?


:rofl: :rofl:

Certainly an interesting discovery and a nice prospect for infertile couples who want to start a family in the future.

Mind you with the world already battling overpopulation issues... one wonders if infertility is not mother natures way of trying to balance out the planet?
so how is this "human sperm"?

i dont think its right tbh

"mummy, where do babies come from?"

"well you were created and grown in a labatory"

i just think trying to make a baby from artifical sperm would result in some SEVERE cock-ups, which just isnt fair on the baby
Do you think they did something like this AT ALL for Blanket? Maybe they screened embryos... NO HATE! Just medical interest!
Wait.. I thought designer babies weren't legal yet. I thought it was just something that scientists are toying with. Even if they prove that it's successful, there are a truck load of legal and ethical problems that they'll need to get through.

I don't understand your question pariskatherine... I think all 3 of them are his biologically so Michael either had sex with Debbie, had artificial insemination or IVF. They wouldn't have done anything to manipulate the sperm, egg or embryo (genetically).
Wait.. I thought designer babies weren't legal yet. I thought it was just something that scientists are toying with. Even if they prove that it's successful, there are a truck load of legal and ethical problems that they'll need to get through.

I don't understand your question pariskatherine... I think all 3 of them are his biologically so Michael either had sex with Debbie, had artificial insemination or IVF. They wouldn't have done anything to manipulate the sperm, egg or embryo (genetically).

ok fair enough. Well they could have screened for health reasons right thats allowed?? absence of some genetic diseases. Then again remember, as what has been proven with the fact Drs have been illegally give MJ drugs, if someone somewhere said it was possible to 'design' a child, MJ would be one of the few people in the world who could afford it? So i dont think the fact it is illegal would ahve been a barrier IF the technology is safely there and complete.

Just wonderment. Its a bit far fetched really. I think ts more likely to be IVF
Ok, I didn't know about embryo screening, so I just looked it up and it seems to just be inspecting an embryo for any abnormalities. If that's the case, and if Michael used IVF's then it wouldn't far fetched for him to do it.

I don't think that anyone in their right mind would have designer children yet while the procedures are still being tested and developed. I mean, what if the child developed some serious abnormalities? I don't think he would take the risk.

The scientists wouldn't take the risk either.. they would be in big, big trouble if they are found out and so would the institution for allowing it.

I'm an ecologist and you should see all the safety and ethics dramas that we have to go through just to count and observe animals, even if we don't touch them! Us scientists are on a very short leash.
ok fair enough. So currently i tihnnk Blanker was as a result of IVF followed by almost-routine screening for abnormalities (probably the advanced kind lol for other genetic diseases). I mean the only reason i think this, and i k now im getting close to forbidden territory is obviously 3 of his kids are light. And i understand its not uncommon for biracial kids to look very light, but for it to happen 3 times in a row..surely thats pretty rare? plus for two to have light brown hair and one to have blue/green eyes? As a scientist, isnt that leaning towards the 'low probability' side. Not impossible, just very unlikely?

It's my plan to eradicate all men :evil:

no cozzie but us men love you

- This is scary men will become redundent and we could end up with weird deisgner babys or everyone looking the same/clone like a fashion trend!

I think we should do it the natural way and accept what god gives up and also its alot more fun that way for everyone :lol:
I'm not sure what you're implying here.. that he scrapped the embryos with darker skin? Or that he had them manipulated to make them light skinned?

All embryo screening does is it finds genetic abnormalities (like downs syndrome) or finds genes that could cause diseases (like cancer), and you would avoid these embryos. I think the idea is that you would find the "healthiest" embryo to implant. It has nothing to do with looks, and I doubt it would give any information about how the baby is going to look like.

Motsey... this article was posted on another forum, and they were saying that we should keep the men around or else we won't have anyone to mow the lawn LOL aww...
ok fair enough. Thanks for actually talking about this sometimes other fans can get so so defensive that they wont even allow a discussion on clearly controversial subjects.

Thank you :) (Im done now btw)
That's fine. Be careful though, you're getting into the whole "Michael hates his race" territory that's fueled by the media.

What I think happened is.. Michael and Debbie had a baby, it came out light skinned and the whole world lost their damn minds :mello: