First half of the year vs second half of the year


Proud Member
Jan 12, 2010
For each post, if the month you were born corresponds to the first half of the year (January to June) you go up 4 numbers, if the month you were born corresponds to the second half of the year (July to December) you go down by 4 numbers. We start at 500 and if the number reaches 1000 the members of the first half of the year win, if the number reaches 0 the members of the second half of the year win.

So for example:
It starts at 500
[First half posts] they say 504
[Second half posts after that] 498

I'll start then:

502 :punk:
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Hahaha omg I've very creative :mama: :lmao: you've so much time tfor thinking at night :lmao: is there's a lil chance for turn your brain activity off? :lol:

Bravo!!! :clapping: now we're in the same team :girl_happy: :lol:


504 :evil:

@Pupa: :beee: again you're my opponent! :sigh:
^ you're going up :doh: :lmao: Caroooo :hug: :lmao: you have joined in the first half of the year right? :p or am I blind? :nerd: :lmao: I guess it's tea impact :lmao: I shouldn't give you... :doh: :lmao:

506 :lol:
:doh: okay my bad I didn't read that we should check our BIRTH date :toofunny: lol! anyway... I've to still go up... :lol: getting me hiiiiiiigher... hiiiigher... high of the skyyyyy :girl_karaoke: