Finally watched 'Captain EO'


Proud Member
Mar 7, 2009
Southampton, UK
Ive been a michael fan all my life and i never watched Captain EO.
It finally crossed my mind to search for it on youtube, i found it and thought it was amazing :D

You can really tell michael loved making it.

It made me happy after watching.
I thought it was crap.
BUt it wasn't really a proper movie it was for Disney and in that context it is very appropriate. Hooter was so annoying, but he looked hot as, totally on the cusp of the bad era i think?
Yeah it was an awesome movie. Of course Michael can't act to save his life (and I think he knew that...LOL) but the dance scenes and music were cool.

I remember seeing it for the first time the same year it opened at Epcot...I was 5 and thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen in my life.

My sister and I and a bunch of other kids left that theater screaming "Captain EO....Captain EO....Captain EO"

Good times... :)
Yeah it was an awesome movie. Of course Michael can't act to save his life (and I think he knew that...LOL) but the dance scenes and music were cool.

I remember seeing it for the first time the same year it opened at Epcot...I was 5 and thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen in my life.

My sister and I and a bunch of other kids left that theater screaming "Captain EO....Captain EO....Captain EO"

Good times... :)

LOL, i don't think michael's a rubbish actor, he's ok :D
Out of all the natural talent Michael has an abundance of, acting is not on top of the list, granted. But I do think he does a very honourable job, especially in The Wiz.

Captain EO is very clichee, but I love it nonetheless. We Are Here To Change The World is an awesome song and the dance routine -- A-MA-ZING!
I got to see it at Disneyland in 3D I don't know how many times when I was a kid. It was awesome. :) I hope they bring it out on DVD now, but I don't know if it will be possible to see it in 3D again. Heh and if you think Michael Jackson can't act, then watch "Ghosts."
I remember going to Disney World with my parents... then coming back home.. and like a month later Captain EO premiered at Disney World. I begged my mom to take me back. She said no. I was salty about that for a month. I didn't even wanna talk to her.

I finally saw it on youtube a few years ago. I remember thinking that my mom woulda been crazy to take me back to expensive ass Disney World for only 20 minutes.

I watched it again abt two weeks ago. Its a cute little message, he's fine as HELL in it, the dancing is cute and I love Another Part of Me. But other than that, it's just okay.
I thought it was crap.

Did you watch it in 3D?!

I remember seeing it a couple of times @ Eurodisney when I was a kid, it was absolutely fantastic - especially for that time.

Lol, I remember everyone in the cinema reaching their hands in front of them trying to pet the cute little flying animal as if he actually was flying around in the cinema.
Did you watch it in 3D?!

I remember seeing it a couple of times @ Eurodisney when I was a kid, it was absolutely fantastic - especially for that time.

Lol, I remember everyone in the cinema reaching their hands in front of them trying to pet the cute little flying animal as if he actually was flying around in the cinema.

haha No! i watched it on youtube! i can imagine it being way better in 3D though. I've never been to Disneyland, i wish i could go, it looks amazing
I got to see it at Disneyland in 3D I don't know how many times when I was a kid. It was awesome. :) I hope they bring it out on DVD now, but I don't know if it will be possible to see it in 3D again. Heh and if you think Michael Jackson can't act, then watch "Ghosts."

I know Michael knows drama and can deliver lines.... but "acting" in it's PUREST sense of the word?....naaaaaaaaaaah. :D

I love him to no end but I still can't imagine watching a non-short film/music video without dancing and singing of him and enjoying it the way I do watching a Will Smith or Denzel Washington movie

On that same token, I love Will and Denzel as actors but there's no way in hell I'd be able to stomach them trying to pull of one of MJ's 3 hour long concerts....LOL!

I give props where they're deserved and in my opinion Michael is the best all around artist of our time....but acting definitely wasn't his strong point.
Hehehe! That was funny! I just watched it on youtube.
ok but Capt.EO he was just starting. Thriller was practice EO was practice it all lead up to Ghost. THAT was the best little mini-movie by MJ EVER! Mj Rocked in that... Of course most of it he was talking to himself but still Damn good..... Eo is one of my favorites because i liked hooter and the little flying guy lol.
Out of all the natural talent Michael has an abundance of, acting is not on top of the list, granted. But I do think he does a very honourable job, especially in The Wiz.
Yes! I thought he did good in the Wiz and Ghosts as someone else said. I always liked the first part of Bad. LOL "Be the man":D I wanted MJ to be in an actual feature film. I think if the would have WORKED at learning acting he could have done a half way decent job. But what damn role could he play? He's Michael effin Jackson!
Yes! I thought he did good in the Wiz and Ghosts as someone else said. I always liked the first part of Bad. LOL "Be the man":D I wanted MJ to be in an actual feature film. I think if the would have WORKED at learning acting he could have done a half way decent job. But what damn role could he play? He's Michael effin Jackson!

whats the point of your second quote?
^^ The one from Whisper is their siggy silly.

I started crying when they said the name *Hooter* the first time I was laughing so hard. I have no idea why that name makes me giggle.
Michael is just so cute in this.
I think if given the right movie script and time he could pull off acting.
Hell, there's some people out there now who can't act and they're still put in movies.
Maybe because 'hooter' is slang for a woman's chest? :lol:

Michael's acting in 'The Wiz' was adorable but the character was so much like himself anyway.
I reckon Michael's BEST acting was in the 'Bad' video, especially the "I'm tired of you messing with me, STOP IT!" scene. :D
I think if given the right movie script and time he could pull off acting.
Hell, there's some people out there now who can't act and they're still put in movies.
LMAO Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Since when did you have to know how to act to be in a major motion picture? MJ seemed like the kind of person who could do anything that he put his heart and mind to. If he really wanted to act he could have done alright. But his passion, his talent was in music. And thank God it was!:D No one else's music has touched me the was Michael's has.
Maybe because 'hooter' is slang for a woman's chest? :lol:

Michael's acting in 'The Wiz' was adorable but the character was so much like himself anyway.
I reckon Michael's BEST acting was in the 'Bad' video, especially the "I'm tired of you messing with me, STOP IT!" scene. :D
I like when he takes his gloves off with his teeth.:D"You wanna see who's BAD?!"
Ive been a michael fan all my life and i never watched Captain EO.
It finally crossed my mind to search for it on youtube, i found it and thought it was amazing :D

You can really tell michael loved making it.

It made me happy after watching.

Captain Eo is amazing I spent most of my holiday at Disneyland Paris watching it and was gutted when it was time to leave for home :(

I wish they would release the 3D version on DVD...
I like when he takes his gloves off with his teeth.:D"You wanna see who's BAD?!"

Me too! "You wanna see who's bad? Come on man!!! COME ON!!" I love it.. he looks anything BUT bad there! In my mind I'm not thinking "Oh he's so bad!!" I'm thinking "Lemme come through that TV so I can nibble on you you cutie! :D