Few Questions


Premium Member
Jan 23, 2008
Tampa, Florida
1. Can someone explain the process that led up to Thriller 25. I am hearing that Mj became involved in the later stages of development and things were scrapped, removed, or re imagined. Can anyone just give like a detailed little timeline?

2. Rejected songs in 2007?
1. Can someone explain the process that led up to Thriller 25. I am hearing that Mj became involved in the later stages of development and things were scrapped, removed, or re imagined. Can anyone just give like a detailed little timeline?

Late 2006: Access Hollywood asks Michael about a 'second chapter' to Thriller. He told AH: "No, I haven't really thought about it in that way but I would give it more thought. We haven't really discussed it yet, on that level, but I'm sure at some point we will. But it's a great thought."

2006 - 2007: Michael stays in Ireland to produce the remixed tracks with Will.i.am. Epic Records then announces Thriller 25 in a press release on November 30, 2007, the very date to which the original Thriller was released - November 30, 1982. Sony had wanted other demos from the original sessions such as Starlight Sun (the original Thriller) to feature but Michael wanted to show what the album could be like if released 25 years on.

2007 - 2008: Facebook, MySpace and other online social networking accounts are set up to promote Thriller 25. SoBe gets in on the act at Super Bowl XLII with a 'groundbreaking' CGI advertisement of dancing lizards and Naomi Campbell which is shown to 100 000 000 American viewers during the Super Bowl game. The ad aired once again on February 8th 2008 at the Grammy Awards.

2008: The Girl Is Mine 2008 and Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 2008 are released worldwide as singles, being the first 'new' material on a single since that of 2003's One More Chance. TV ads announcing Thriller 25 are played throughout Europe.