fertiliy clinics

Amber Dawn

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Indianapolis, Indiana
This is a personal question if you don't wanna share with the entire community I'd love to hear from you by PM's..

Has anybody here used a Clinic for conceiving a child?
- I've been researching IUI for a while now but I'm so confused the whole process seems very stressful. I don't understand half of it. Do some clinics provide Donors? Do you have to go to a lab and get it and then go to a clinic? I've heard very successful stories about single woman doing this and some very unsuccessful. Many single woman are turned away, Which to me is very sad..

I'm not considering doing this the next 6-12 months I'm really just doing research at the moment. I'll be 27 this year and I'm in that stage now where I'm just thinking of other options if I don't really get a chance to have a natural conception. I'd like to have a child before I'm 35 because the older I get its going to be harder to conceive. The money is there, the love is there.. Its so HARD to see everyone I know starting a family. All I do is work and its like this big chunk of me is missing. Im sure many of you can relate to this.
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I don't know anything about fertility clinics but I can relate to what you're saying, I'm already 27 and I want children so badly and I'm scared of my age how on earth did I get so close to 30? I kind of understand why Michael turned to 'other options' that seem so unusual or suspicious to other people
maybe you should try forums that are specialized in this subject I'm sure there must be plenty out there