Fellow MJ Fans - Will You Be There For Me?


Proud Member
Aug 21, 2011
London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
MJ fans around the world. I need your help. All in the name of charity.

As I’m sure some of you may know me, I have been a contributor of many MJ fan boards well over the years and just like all of you have been a massive follower of the man’s work and artistic genius. Some of you may remember during the darkest years of Michael’s life throughout the trial in 2005, I helped report back to you news from the courtroom as it happened. I was fortunate enough to get to be inside the trial and was there the duration of the awful and unnecessary event right up until the day of Vindication. You may remember me as the energetic, crazy Irish fella who held the now famous banner right at the front of the court gates that day that read ‘Michael Ireland Believes In You!’’

Apart from meeting Michael in various circumstances with other fans, I never once got the chance to speak with him, get a photograph taken or even manage a handshake despite all those years of pursuing even a glimpse of my idol. In the end and on reflection, none of that ever really mattered.

It will soon be a year since what we and the rest of the world now know as the passing of our man. I had been thinking of where I will spend that day and the most plausible thing to do would be to spend it with those who knew him the most, understood him and valued him. No not the actual Jackson family, but the extended Jackson family…..you guys.

Since then something has cropped up which I had to really consider. I was offered to raise money for a charity called the Mad Foundation that helps underprivileged children in Kenya and Uganda which meant that I would be away from the fans during the one year anniversary of Mike’s passing. I had to think about it for a long time and realised that Michael would have wanted me to represent the charity and this will be hard for me, being away on this day quite isolated and not surrounded with MJ fans to be supported by and to help add support.

The place where I will be instead will be on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. I am due to reach the peak of the mountain on June 25th 2010.

What I ask for you as a community is to help me, so I am proposing this:

I have to raise a target of £2,200.00 (minimum target) and have set up a Just Giving page at – www.justgiving.com/SeanyGoesMAD - It explains the journey I will setting out to do as well as information about the charity and how the funds will be used to benefit those a lot less fortunate than you and I.

There’s something though that I have been thinking about, about how I can make this event extremely special and unique where I can give Michael Jackson a massive shout out in a way that no one around the world can do at that one occasion…

If anyone would like to make (in fact as many of you as possible) Michael flags or something similar and are able to post them to me before I set off on my trek on June 16th – I will gladly display them at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro on June 25th 2010 – One year anniversary of his death. I think this is truly magical and I hope that Mike will be looking down thinking what an awesome thing to do, knowing that I’ll be the only person in the world on that day at the top of Kilimanjaro flying flags to honour the man himself!! We all know how much of an innovator he was and doing things before anyone else so I bet he’ll be buzzing!!! None of this will be possible without your help however. Make this fantasy a reality and knowing that you have helped towards the building of new schools and orphanages in the poorest African regions.

I have just over a month to do this and I will be honest with you….. I am scared. Truly.

Please help me, that’s all I ask.

After you have sponsored me, email me for the address of where you want to send your MJ contributions so I can take with me to: seany_okane@hotmail.com – I look forward to all your help and support. Please spread the word and if you have any ideas or suggestions on how I can raise the funds please let me know. Love to you all my Jackson family.

Seány. :better:
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