feeling ugly...

Beautiful people as a whole get farther in life.
Yes, it is sad that our society is based on looks, instead of what's on the inside. I was having this discussion with a friend of mine a while back about how people in our world discriminate people. Like how do we discriminate beautiful/good looking from ugly? Who told us which is which? That's one thing I have thought about, who told us, what is beautiful and what is ugly? I mean nowadays it's the media. The media is doing these things to people, to young people saying that you have to look a certain way to be beautiful/good looking. These things are not true. To me, everyone has a beautiful quality within them. Even the most "beautiful/good looking" person I would see as ugly because I look at the inside. If they have no heart and are a very rude and mean person then I think that person is ugly. It doesn't even matter how they look on the outside, if their inside is ugly they are ugly IMO.

I'm sure you are beautiful. Don't put yourself down. Just by being a Michael fan I know that your inside is beautiful. :) So, that makes you beautiful and a beautiful person as a whole, inside and out. Just remember that.


Ty Amy :wub:
I'm just mad at the world today..... so competitive... looking for the perfection....... no defects alowed. If someone has a boyfriend or a girlfriend and another one more beautiful appears in the way.. what probably happen is that he or she will exchange it for that one that looks more beautiful exteriorly... and all the rest is forgotten.

You're welcome. :)

Did that happen to you? If it did then you deserve way more than that. Don't let that person get you down.
Indeed it happened to me some times along my life... but it is the reality out there, not only my experience that tells me this. :(

Yea, well some people are like that and some people actually see true beauty. What's on the inside is true beauty.

I've never had a boyfriend so I can't really say that I understand what you're going through because I'm only 17. Sorry.

But, that's probably why I don't have a boyfriend because I look at the inside of a person instead of the outside. lol And all the guys who have asked me out, I turn them down because I don't really like the person that they are. They may be good looking on the outside but not on the inside.
Beauty is skin deep! True beauty is within...............man judges by appearance....but God looks at the heart!
Maybe this sounds a bit what my lovely late mum would call 'sanctimonious'?
But I mean it from my own heart............we all have bad hair days..........all try to cover spots........and worry about how we look............
your are beautiful no matter what they say...............Christina Augelera song comes to mind!
Excuse spelling! lol
You know it makes sense!!!
:) now that's a great lyric for a song: "your are beautiful no matter what they say"
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Beauty is skin deep! True beauty is within...............man judges by appearance....but God looks at the heart!
Maybe this sounds a bit what my lovely late mum would call 'sanctimonious'?
But I mean it from my own heart............we all have bad hair days..........all try to cover spots........and worry about how we look............
your are beautiful no matter what they say...............Christina Augelera song comes to mind!
Excuse spelling! lol
You know it makes sense!!!

I love that song, haven't heard it in a while though.

also yes, completely agree with all that you said. God looks at the heart and that's where beauty is.
I hope my heart is beautiful....... i really would like God to love me for my heart.... but i am not perfect in my personality either....... well.. i guess God loves us with all our imperfections. GOD essence is LOVE.

Next time you look in the mirror say to yourself................God made me who I am.......God loves me for who I am!! :yes:

And then love yourself!!!
How can you love your neighbour as you love yourself if you dont love yourself first? :doh:
Worth a second thought?
I feel so mad and embarrassed that many people have become so shallow. They care only about what doesn't really matter. I'm sorry if someone ever was left because a more physically attractive person showed up. Whoever leaves someone for this is an idiot. There are so many sides and aspects to a human being. Appearance is one thing and not everything. Hell, it isn't even the most important. What's important is the lasting beauty, that of the soul. Beauty and pureness of the soul is the most important because it's what is more lasting. Remember, one can lose their looks in a blink of an eye. Many reasons can take looks away at any moment, be it sickness, accident, or simply time if neither of the former did it. Now, if we choose based on looks, what are we left with when that fades except for disaster. So, no one ever should feel ugly if they thought they weren't good looking enough. One ought to feel VERY ugly if their inside wasn't good.
Beauty and pureness of the soul is the most important because it's what is more lasting. Remember, one can lose their looks in a blink of an eye. Many reasons can take looks away at any moment, be it sickness, accident, or simply time if neither of the former did it. Now, if we choose based on looks, what are we left with when that fades except for disaster.

I totaly subscribe this. :clapping: