Feeling Angry


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I honestly wondered what this day would be like. I wondered how the news would handle his death. What would they say? Would they respect Michael?

Last night I felt personal closure and I was happy and accepting because I knew Michael was in Heaven, smiling down. But this morning I woke up with a bitter anger. The news coverage and the specials.... just didn't do Michael justice in my eyes. Has Michael ever gotten true justice? His entire life was full of pain and was unfair to him and yet he continued being a genius and doing wonderful things for others. And even in the end, he never got the true respect from the public. No understanding. The news focused more on the bad than the good.

And did ABC not understand that having Martin Bashire cover their special on Michael last night was a horror for MJ's fans? (think of Living with MJ).

I think it takes a special person to love and understand Michael, and that means us, the fans.
Yeah. I don't know if we will ever truly accept that he's gone. I know I won't. Its just surreal, its horrible.

I can't stand Martin Bashir for what he did too. He is a horrible person.
Oh geez, they used Bashir?? How wrong can they get it?
That's just sick. How does he sleep at night? That's what I want to know.
I refused to watch that special when I heard Bashir was doing it.
I don't think I'll ever totally be over Michael's death. I can't listen to his CDs or watch his videos. I have all the ones I own packed away. I don't know if I'll ever be able to listen to or watch him again. Because I won't want to remember that he's gone. I also can't believe they got Bashir to do that special. I have never forgiven him for his part in what happened to Michael in 2003. That and now this. It's too much.
Yep they got Bashir. I could see the lies in his eyes when he tried to say nice things about Michael... They even showed clips of the Living with MJ special, ones in which Martin is clearly disliking MJ! What a dope. I despise Martin for thinking he got away with that dreadful special.