Feeling a bit down

Music Monk

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Orpheus' Temple

This weekend I saw again the Live From Bucharest Concert DVD. After the concert ended I felt sad because I never got to watch Michael in concert. He was supposed to perform in Puerto Rico but when the first molestation allegations were announced, he cancelled the tour the exact day before he was supposed to arrive to Puerto Rico. We even had tickets to go to one of his concerts. Two were scheduled for Puerto Rico.

Yesterday I saw the Dangerous DVD short films and felt worse. I feel like I missed out on such a special experience of watching MJ live. I had hope once he was done touring in London he would take the TII Tour worldwide. I remember telling my wife we would pay whatever we had to, to watch MJ perform. Sadly, MJ's Gone Too Soon.

I feel a bit silly asking for this, but I'm feeling a bit down. Any words of advice?

hey, i understand your pain, i never got to see him either, this was going to be my time. I guess the only advice i have is to keep listenin to his music and watchin videos knowing that doing so brings you close to michael.

Thank you for your words of encouragement.

I really appreciate it.
i understand you, since i haven't senn Michael before too~~
i have bought this dvd and when i watched it everytime...
i felt worse, so sad that he's gone too soon=]
and i can't get the chance to see him in the future >
pauline said:
i understand you, since i haven't senn Michael before too~~
i have bought this dvd and when i watched it everytime...
i felt worse, so sad that he's gone too soon=]
and i can't get the chance to see him in the future ><

That's how I feel. Yesterday I saw the History Part I DVD and I just focused on what would I tell him while watching his videos, as a friend. That really helped. It was like I wanted to let him know how cool and brilliant this or that scene was, or how much I loved the music and lyrics. May sound weird but it did help me to feel better.

thrillerchild said:
Feeling your pain, man :sad:

Thanks. Yesterday I focused on positive thoughts and it worked. It wasn't easy. I just hope it doesn't get worse when I watch TII on October. I know I'm not the only one to say this, but I feel as I've lost a friend. I was raised with MJ's music and while not knowing him personally, after watching his videos I could relate to him somehow. It's hard to explain.
Thanks. Yesterday I focused on positive thoughts and it worked. It wasn't easy. I just hope it doesn't get worse when I watch TII on October. I know I'm not the only one to say this, but I feel as I've lost a friend. I was raised with MJ's music and while not knowing him personally, after watching his videos I could relate to him somehow. It's hard to explain.

It's only hard to explain to those who haven't been a fan like us :) We understans.
i really understand your pain, i feel the exact same thing. i didnt have any tickets to the TII shows, and i havent seen him in real life and its so sad to know that it will never happen. i have made a list of things to do before i turn 40, and meeting michael was one of them :( it hurt so bad to cross that thing of the list, it was so heartbreaking :(

but we need to appreciate what michael gave us, even if we cant see him in real life, we still have so much material of him performing that is really great.we need to feel lucky that we got to be here on earth at the same time as the greatest performer of all time.
Aw, Monk :( I'm so sorry you were so close to seeing him in Puerto Rico..

Like you, I always said that if MJ were to ever perform again, I'd pay ANY amount of money to see him live. Thats why when This Is It was announced, I jumped at the chance! So sad it'll never happen for us..but we have to remember that we are not alone in our suffering. I know it doesn't make the reality of it any easier, but whenever I'm feeling really down, I just remember that there are millions out there going through what I'm going through and we're all in the same boat.

Aw...there are so many people in the same boat right now. :( Michael wanted all of his fans to get to see him in concert, and I'm sure he intended to make it to every stop possible for everyone to see him, eventually. Somethings just aren't meant to be, no matter how heartbreaking it is :( I'm sorry though...I never got to see him either :hug:
Aww yeah a lot of us, including myself, never got to see him either. It's really sad. I wish I had seen him. I wanted to see him live so badly. I don't think I can ever get over not seeing him in concert.
WOW, thank you all for your support. It's amazing to see all the love and the comfort of your words. I really appreciate it and, just like one of MJ's songs says, and I mean it: Whenever you need me, I'll be there. Yeah, Im a bit of a sentimental guy. Sue me :cheeky:

i really understand your pain, i feel the exact same thing. i didnt have any tickets to the TII shows, and i havent seen him in real life and its so sad to know that it will never happen. i have made a list of things to do before i turn 40, and meeting michael was one of them :( it hurt so bad to cross that thing of the list, it was so heartbreaking :(

but we need to appreciate what michael gave us, even if we cant see him in real life, we still have so much material of him performing that is really great.we need to feel lucky that we got to be here on earth at the same time as the greatest performer of all time.

Thank you, Jenny. Well, I just hope more DVD concerts are released. I've only got the Bucharest concert and almost all of MJ's videos. I really enjoy his music and his performances. I thought about what prismsagainst5live said on the previous post about feeling close to Michael while watching his videos and I've focused on thinking of him as a close friend while watching. It may sound weird, but it worked. I've felt better. He is indeed the greatest performer of all time.

I've never seen him in concert either. *hugs* :huggy:

Thanks CaptainEoLove, I really appreciate it. :huggy:

Aw, Monk :( I'm so sorry you were so close to seeing him in Puerto Rico..

Like you, I always said that if MJ were to ever perform again, I'd pay ANY amount of money to see him live. Thats why when This Is It was announced, I jumped at the chance! So sad it'll never happen for us..but we have to remember that we are not alone in our suffering. I know it doesn't make the reality of it any easier, but whenever I'm feeling really down, I just remember that there are millions out there going through what I'm going through and we're all in the same boat.


Thanks VanX. The past week has been hard. I've just kept thinking while listening to his music: "Man I love this song, I wish I could've heard it live". And while watching his concert I always repeat again and again: "No one's gonna come close to him as a performer, artist and human being."

Aw...there are so many people in the same boat right now. :( Michael wanted all of his fans to get to see him in concert, and I'm sure he intended to make it to every stop possible for everyone to see him, eventually. Somethings just aren't meant to be, no matter how heartbreaking it is :( I'm sorry though...I never got to see him either :hug:

Thank you, strawberrypie999. I'm really looking forward to watch TII on October. I already told my wife that when we go watch TII, in my mind, I will think we'll be seeing him live. I know many fans will do the same.:hug:

Aww yeah a lot of us, including myself, never got to see him either. It's really sad. I wish I had seen him. I wanted to see him live so badly. I don't think I can ever get over not seeing him in concert.

Hello Cinnamon234, I just think of how close I was of seeing him live. It's sad, but there's nothing more I can do about it. Hey, we still have TII to look forward to.
Thanks VanX. The past week has been hard. I've just kept thinking while listening to his music: "Man I love this song, I wish I could've heard it live". And while watching his concert I always repeat again and again: "No one's gonna come close to him as a performer, artist and human being."

I know what you mean. What makes it particularly hard for me, is when I think about how I will never hear him sing those songs EVER again. Even when he was out of the spotlight for a few years, you always knew that someday you'd hear those songs again. But now it's not just that I won't hear him sing it today or tomorrow... but I will NEVER hear him sing those songs again.The finality of the whole thing is what depresses me.
I know what you mean. What makes it particularly hard for me, is when I think about how I will never hear him sing those songs EVER again. Even when he was out of the spotlight for a few years, you always knew that someday you'd hear those songs again. But now it's not just that I won't hear him sing it today or tomorrow... but I will NEVER hear him sing those songs again.The finality of the whole thing is what depresses me.

That's exactly how I feel. Hang in there.

The pain will pass, but his music and memory will be with us forever.
I understand you... I didn't get to see him either... And it was my dream since I was 7. Now... I don't know what I'm going to do without him... I have lost all my hope.
A big hug for you, Music Monk.
I understand you... I didn't get to see him either... And it was my dream since I was 7. Now... I don't know what I'm going to do without him... I have lost all my hope.
A big hug for you, Music Monk.

Thank you Tin Angel. I've been on that same situation. I think what helped me the most was that when I was watching his DVD's, believing there's life after this one, I just focused on the positive. In my mind I would think Michael was sitting at my side while I would be watching his performances. I would talk about the music, the lyrics and his dancing as if he was a close friend. I'm fully aware he's gone, but I know that he knows what we want to tell him and that helps. Please don't lose hope.

The pain will pass but his music and his memory will be with us forever.

Big hug for you too :huggy: