feel sad i need wream heart of love


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i'm feeling very upset & sad i don't know what is :thinking:

somehow i'm not into the spirit of christmas somehow :( :cry:

i feel it inside of me i don't whats wrong :( :cry:

feel like my heart is not happy somehow i have no feeling of happiness

i love this time of the year :doh: :( but my mind & my heart feel so sad

that's why i ask your kindness give me wream heart of love :heart:
I'm feeling very upset & sad i don't know what is :thinking:

somehow I'm not into the spirit of Christmas somehow :( :cry:

i feel it inside of me i don't whats wrong :( :cry:

feel like my heart is not happy somehow i have no feeling of happiness

i love this time of the year :doh: :( but my mind & my heart feel so sad

that's why i ask your kindness give me warm heart of love :heart:

:( aww Emelia sending you lots and lots of hugs sweetie :group:

Your not alone in this one sweetie I'm feeling the exact same way, I'm not in the Christmas spirit either and I for one usually drive my parents insane at this time of the year.

There is nothing wrong with you sweetie, maybe its just all a littler too much for you at the moment and its making you feel a little down?

Hang in there sweetie and remember if you ever need to talk about ANYTHING I'm only a PM away sending you lots and lots of love hugs and strength
i just feel like my family being so unrepeatfull too me that's maybe why i'm feeling down

my brother is not coming for christmas again for the three time he through he caome last year & he didn't
he came three days after christmas so maybe that's what giving me down time & upset

my mother is more unrepeatfull everything is on my sister & her husband & her kid everytime they come over feels like i'm not there at all
everything is on them
that's why i feel upset

no body cares about me all :( :cry:

i buy them the bestest gifts everyyear & everybody doesn't care at all about is all about my sister & her husband & kid & it's all about my brither & his wife & his kid & things about me
i feel lift out everyday past my live

& my worker maggie she been disrepeatfull to me too we have not been out sece Oct she been act weird :yes: :eek:

i don't know what is going on with everybody i feel so hopeless & upset & nonstop cryying & i cry in my sleep too :yes:
& this morrowing i'm still cryying ;( :cry:

i don't know what to do
I really want now to hug you :hug:

cause i understand what you mean.
I love Christmas very much, but for me it never comes.
Christmas is the most saddest period of the year for me.

because I love Christmas very much, but I'm always so lonely ,
my family don't celebrate it,
and i just sit alone in my room and listen how others are celebrating , that is painful.
so I feel so sad right now, cause i know I will have horrible Christmas.

I please you don't feel sad, at last you can celebrate it, be happy.
Christmas is so beautiful, think about it. :flowers:
I really want now to hug you :hug:

cause i understand what you mean.
I love Christmas very much, but for me it never comes.
Christmas is the most saddest period of the year for me.

because I love Christmas very much, but I'm always so lonely ,
my family don't celebrate it,
and i just sit alone in my room and listen how others are celebrating , that is painful.
so I feel so sad right now, cause i know I will have horrible Christmas.

I please you don't feel sad, at last you can celebrate it, be happy.
Christmas is so beautiful, think about it. :flowers:

thank you cleopatra09 :cheers: :hug: back
how comes your family doesn't celebrate Christmas :doh::(

Aww Emilia... :( It makes me sad to read this...
Do you feel better now? A big hug for you! :group: :heart: Keep your head up girl! :hug:
Always believe in yourself! And always remember: You are very special and we, your MJ family, love you very much!! :give_heart:
I am so sorry to hear that I hope you are feeling better now. And I do know how you feel. I haven't really had the Christmas spirit since 2000. After what had happen to my Michael I had lost it for good. I used to L.O.V.E. Christmas but now I just plain hate it. It is just not the same anymore for me.:sad:
thanks everybody for the hugs & much love you give me thanks
i still feel like this :(

but on christmas day i got some surprise gifts i put on smile on :yes: but i don't forget what people done to me still :yes:
i still like this sad inside but outside of me i have to be strong :yes:

please don't be upset. i and the other MJJC members are always with you, do not forget this, please...

whenever you want to talk, just pm me or write here, what or how you want.

what about a little joke : i said "pm me", but my english is really bad for writing something; so answers from me will have long time to write something and in this time period your sadness will pass and you will be happy i think, because i'm really really BAD while writing in English... (i think even this message is weird, GOD!!! forget about this joke please)

Hun, be happy and don't forget we are here with you. Think about it please, you live in Canada, i live in Turkey and you know that someone from Turkey, far away from Canada, loves you and thinks about you and celebrates your Christmas. Also not only me, many people from any other countries-you name it- thinks in the same way with me for you.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

with L.O.V.E.

please don't be upset. i and the other MJJC members are always with you, do not forget this, please...

whenever you want to talk, just pm me or write here, what or how you want.

what about a little joke : i said "pm me", but my english is really bad for writing something; so answers from me will have long time to write something and in this time period your sadness will pass and you will be happy i think, because i'm really really BAD while writing in English... (i think even this message is weird, GOD!!! forget about this joke please)

Hun, be happy and don't forget we are here with you. Think about it please, you live in Canada, i live in Turkey and you know that someone from Turkey, far away from Canada, loves you and thinks about you and celebrates your Christmas. Also not only me, many people from any other countries-you name it- thinks in the same way with me for you.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

with L.O.V.E.

that's very sweet of you to say that
that's great that nice from Turkey they love me & care for me

you're great friend thank you hugs back to you
maybe that is :thinking:

on tuesday i what to the mall with mom & i brough red christmas tree & i'm going to created MJ christmas tree next christmas :D so i hope next year for chrsitmas willvbe butter :D
i feel like i'm lift out in my family they teat me like i'm not allow to speak

when my sister & her child & her husband they come over i teat like mean for no reason
i feel like i'm lift out in my family they teat me like i'm not allow to speak

when my sister & her child & her husband they come over i teat like mean for no reason

That's quite unfortunate. =(
They should not treat you in this manner--it is not your fault, it is their fault. They're in control of their behaviour, and they should truly be ashamed of themselves for leaving you out of their affairs, and then having the audacity to claim they're some sort of family. My family is sort of like that too, which is why I purposely distance myself from them. Perhaps you should try such an approach? If you love them, of course, it wouldn't do at all. =/

Perhaps you should try to express your feelings to them, and see how they react?
thanks mikage souji

i try that to bring my feelins out & tell them but they think i'm stupid :yes:

on friday my worker maggie she call & she told me that she is leaving me & she doesn't what to work with me anymore
all the past weeks & last year she was not telling me that she was telling me that her back is hurtting she wasn't telling me that she is leaving me :yes: she made me so :mat: & angry cause she wasn't telling me the truth of this
so know i have to look for a new worker :yes:
well Rockstar all I can say is :hug: to you. Hey what ever happened to all of them nice poems you use to write for us??..I sure do miss them??? I am looking forward to reading more....:hug:
well Rockstar all I can say is :hug: to you. Hey what ever happened to all of them nice poems you use to write for us??..I sure do miss them??? I am looking forward to reading more....:hug:

did you what to my thread rockstar's songs if you did or didn't they maybe not songs yet post it cause my worker she quit working with me so i got about three books of full songs i wrote & nobody read them yet :( that's why i have no new songs post yet cause of that
my mother say that we'll look for new worker maybe younger in my age or in there 30's :thinking:
i feel like i'm lift out in my family they teat me like i'm not allow to speak

when my sister & her child & her husband they come over i teat like mean for no reason

I hope your family understands your feelings and changes their ways.

thanks mikage souji

i try that to bring my feelins out & tell them but they think i'm stupid :yes:

on friday my worker maggie she call & she told me that she is leaving me & she doesn't what to work with me anymore
all the past weeks & last year she was not telling me that she was telling me that her back is hurtting she wasn't telling me that she is leaving me :yes: she made me so :mat: & angry cause she wasn't telling me the truth of this
so know i have to look for a new worker :yes:

I hope the new worker is nice to you and is an Mj fan.:)
i don't have new worker yet

i'm going to wait in for week & see how i feel

just know my mother just scream & yelled me for no reason & she called me a holder cause i had four boxs on the bed cause they were there about christmas time i can't get my stuff & clean them & put them away cause my damn ass father got the whole room full of his stuff what he was working on my bathroom & she just scream & yelled at me & didn't let me speak to tell her
i don't understand why people think is o.k to talk to me like this if i can't teat them back the way they teating me :( :cry: i'm try of this i'm so try of this i what to get the juge & tell them what my family is doing to me i'm try of this

right know i got heartbrum cause of this :( :cry: