Favourite Musicals?

Severus Snape

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Dungeons
There's more than enough threads about mainstream pop music to last us a lifetime here on MJJC, but I've noticed there's a lack of discussion about musicals. Therefore, I am beginning a thread where people can post their favourite songs from any musical piece, in any language.

My favourite musical of all time is Notre-Dame de Paris (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame), based on Victor Hugo's novel of the same title. My favourite versions of this musical are the Russian and French version, with each version's Claude Frollo being my favourite character. Thus, it is only natural that my favourite selections from the piece would include Frollo as the focus, or as one of the participants.

Here is the Russian version of "Tu Vas Me Detruire," as sung by Alexander Marakulin's Frollo:

He is entirely too sexy for his own good.

Here is the French version of the piece with English subtitles as sung by Daniel Lavoie, so you guys can get the jist of what he's saying:

Here is the Russian version of "Belle," in which Marakulin's Frollo dominates the second verse:

The English version of "Belle," so you can get the idea, with clips from the Disney film:

The first verse of "Belle" is sung in the musical by Quasimodo, the second by Frollo, the third by Phoebus, and the final one by all three.

Note: To those of you familiar with the Disney film, but unfamiliar with everything else, in Hugo's novel and the musical, Phoebus de Chautepers was engaged to his cousin, Fleur-de-Lys (typical in the middle ages, when the story takes place), but he was so taken by his lust for Esmeralda, that he was willing to break his vow to her and to God, to spend a night with her. In the novel, he goes so far as to seduce her and almost rape her, when Frollo intervenes by stabbing him with a dagger (He was kinda-sorta stalking her...ok, he was stalking her.) Esmeralda, however, is hopelessly in love with Phoebus and ignorant of his engagement to Fleur-de-Lys. By contrast, Frollo is in love with Esmeralda, but she does not return this affection. In the novel and the musical, Frollo is a Catholic priest, thus, he cannot be with Esmeralda for obvious reasons (other than the fact that she finds him ugly and creepy), but this does not stop him from having feelings for her (as expressed in his solo numbers, "You Will Destroy Me," and "A Priest Loves A Girl," in English--"Your Love Will Kill Me" and "I'm A Priest."

Thus, Phoebus by his lust for Esmeralda and Frollo by his obsession with her, both represent the negative sides of passion and perversions of love. Only Quasimodo, by his acceptance of his feelings for Esmeralda and the fact that she will never return these (because she's superficial and stupid, was pretty much Hugo's point), represents love in its purest form.

Esmeralda represents innocence, in that she is hopelessly in love with Phoebus, despite his numerous faults and lack of positive attributes (he's pretty much the scum of the Earth in both the musical and novel.) She rejects Quasimodo for being ugly despite his benevolence and internal beauty, and Frollo for being creepy and old, despite his intelligence and altruism (he does save Quasimodo from being put to death by adopting him, something Disney completely leaves out in their attempts to make him a one-dimensional and loathsome figure [which don't work on me], and also supports his younger brother Jehan, after their parents die of the plague.) In any case, Esmeralda is notably superficial because the only reason she loves Phoebus is because he's handsome (she says this repeatedly in the novel.) Fleur-de-Lys, by contrast, represents the more sober side of love, the lack of innocence and awareness of her surroundings despite being bound to inhabit her balcony, lol. She knows Phoebus lusted after Esmeralda, she knows his true nature, and yet she still loves him. So the two are opposites in that regard.

Anyway, that's all. To the rest of you, post your favourite selections from your musical of choice. I look forward to seeing them. :)
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Me love The Producers, Phantom, Lion King and Chicago!

I have to confess that I have not seen The Producers on stage but as a film, but I love the songs and I think Nathan Lane and Roger Bart are absolute geniuses!

I will come back and post the links for "Keep It Gay" and "Springtime for Hitler".
My all time favourite musical is Les Miserables. I think it's a masterpiece, the best musical there is. When I saw it in theater in London for the first time, after having listened to the CD for years, I cried my eyes out because I was so happy to be finally seeing it. It's just amazing. I absolutely love it!

I second favourite musicals are Rent and Tanz der Vampire. I didn't have a chance to see Rent in theater, I only saw the film version (which is also amazing). And I saw Tanz twice - in Oberhausen and in Vienna. It's wonderful and at times really scary and exciting!

I also love Phantom, hilarious Avenue Q, Martin Guerre, Billy Elliot, Wicked... I think there are more, these are the one that come to mind now :)
Thanks for starting this thread. Musicals are my favorite thing ever! lol. My favorite musical is Phantom of the Opera. Ever since my dad took me to see it when I was 10. I had a casette tape of the Phantom of the Opera, and I listened to it to death. I think I've loved musicals ever since then. Some other musicals I've seen in person (My grandmother took me to see these): Into the Woods (from Sweeney Todd's Stephen Sondheim), The Sound of Music, and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting that she took me to see. I also took Chorus in middle school, so we watched a lot of musicals in that class. So, basically I've loved musicals for a long time. I love the Chorusline movie, even though it's kind of cheesy. Also, there's Xanadu, another guilty pleasure. But you can't beat the music in that one. Olivia Newton John and E.L.O. There are several other musicals I love, but I can't name them off the top of my head. At least, you can't forget this though. Such a bizarre film, but that's why I love it. Plus, Michael :D

@TheChosenOne I'm sorry, but I cannot stomach The Producers. :puke: It's such a frivolous, pointless, borderline degenerate thing. :no: Feel free to post whatever you want regarding it, though--this thread is for everyone, after all. The Lion King, I have heard amazing things about, and I so want to see it on Broadway! :D I don't like pieces with modern settings not based on literature, so Chicago does nothing for me.

@JMieI have heard great things about Les Miserables, though. Some do in fact regard it as the best musical of all time, and I have refrained from seeing it until I read the novel. I own it, but it's such a leviathan that I will have to tackle it over the summer or at some other long break in the year. Your favourite musical and mine are based on books written by the same author. ;D

@CaptainEoLove85I love The Wiz, obviously. I even prefer it to the original Wizard of Oz film. A professor of mine and I were just having this conversation a bit ago--about how much we hated The Wizard of Oz. I told him I liked The Wiz, and he says he's never seen it. I told him it had Diana Ross and Michael Jackson, and that he should see it. :D

The Sound of Music is another thing I can't stand. I would have been ok with it, had my German teacher not played it almost a million times during the course of my High School career. That professor and I were also talking about how much we loathe The Sound of Music, lol. In short, it got old very quickly for me.

You seem to have seen more musicals than I have--I keep strictly to those based on literature, and do not appreciate the frivolous pieces churned out by the likes of Mel Brooks. To me, those are the worst things--vulgar and common--truly light years away from the passion, the drama, and the art, that pieces like Notre-Dame de Paris, Les Miserables, Dracula: Das Musical, and The Phantom of the Opera possess.

I can't say anything about rent, having not seen it, but modern pieces seldom move me. On the other hand, I've heard good things from people who have seen the film.

On that note, it seems as though we are in a general consensus that The Phantom of the Opera is great. I've also read the book, which is less Erik-centric, and more centered upon Christine Daae's and Raoul's relationship, and general events in the Opera House as a whole. In any case, here is a piece featuring Alexander Marakulin (my beloved Russian Frollo) as The Phantom of the Opera during a live performance:

Sorry I can't embed!

Springtime for Hitler

Keep It Gay


What I love about The Producers is its irreverence. As someone who works in theatre I love the way it pokes fun at the industry. And I am especially impressed with Mel Brooks' phenomenal skill at songwriting. The melodies are catchy and the lyrics are witty and wise. That is a difficult combination to achieve. Trust me, I know.
I got to see a high school production of The Phantom of the Opera today! It was amateurish, of course, but by High School standards it was indeed impressive. The majority of the lead singers actually had talent, for once, and the male lead was absolutely brilliant. The female lead was mediocre, in my humble opinion, and the girl who got cast as Carlotta had a far superior voice to the girl who got the lead.

Overall, however, it was good.
Les Miserables.

I am a huge fan of musicals and I have yet to see a production that is better than this show. It is impossible not to feel moved by the story line and get engrossed with the characters stories. The music is completely stunning all the way through and in parts it leaves you completely wowed! I just love every minute of it.

Second favourite musical has got to be Sister Act on the West End. It was hilarious and the sets were amazing! Very upbeat, feel-good show! :D
I haven't seen several musicals in my life (aside from those in movies), for those are not common at all in my country. However, years ago I visited UK for the first time and I saw the only one I really dreamt of seeing: THE LORD OF THE RINGS.


My favorite movie musical of all time is Grease. I also saw the live Broadway show revival back in the 90's. I took my nephews and niece and we had a blast:

"West Side Story" is another great one. I watched this movie on TV a lot growing up. The dancing and music are superb and the love story between Tony and Maria is beautiful. I wanted to see the recent Broadway revival but waited too long and now the show is closed.

Best scene in the movie - America:

I saw "Rent" on Broadway a few years ago and enjoyed it a lot:

I just saw "Chicago" on Broadway in January. They had Facebook fan night and Facebook fans got free tickets! It was fun...
I can't believe noone has brought up Wicked yet.

In terms of musicals I've managed to see in the theatre:
Beauty and the Beast-love the story and the music, I'm a disney fan anyway
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang-okay, i didn't like the story as much
Wicked-love the music and the story-the alternative version of the wizard of oz, told from the point of view of the wicked witch
The Lion King-again, I'm a disney fan and The Lion King is my favourite film so go figure

As for musicals I'm wanting to see:
RENT on broadway-i've seen the film version and the recording of the last performance but now it has re-opened in NYC, I'm going to make a little mission to see it.
^Ach, ja! Beauty and the Beast was great! The Broadway version of that came out the day I was born, lol. :D

Anyway, more musical goodness. Dracula: Das Musical ? Auf Deutsch, with English subtitles:

and Englisch version:

This flopped in Amerika because (in my humblest opinion, and some would argue, ample evidence) Americans have no taste in musik, (Notre-Dame de Paris also kinda flopped there too.) I think that's because Americans tend to associate musicals with humour or family-oriented things, like The Producers (vulgar humour) and Disney musicals (great but family-oriented, obviously.) The only serious musicals I've seen prosper in the U.S. are those whose story-lines are widely known (via the book's popularity or having been made into a musical film), such as Les Miserables, and The Phantom of the Opera.

Notre-Dame de Paris isn't really widely read in the U.S., where people seem to be allergic to literature (or in recent times, anything not written by either J.K. Rowling or Stephenie Myers), and thus the actual storyline isn't known by most, so people wouldn't really appreciate it. Dracula, the book (or its various film adaptations), is nothing like the musical--so people would go in expecting one thing and instead got another entirely different (and more romantic) storyline. Yet, Notre-Dame de Paris was a wild success internationally, having very successful Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, and even Korean versions. Dracula: Das Musical was a tremendous success in Germany.
I can't believe noone has brought up Wicked yet.

I liked Wicked, its definitely not my favourite but its a good show. I loved Kerry Ellis in the West End version, she was amazing.
The effects are great too, I loved the moving dragon above the stage!
I haven't had the pleasure to see any musicals on the stage (apart from an amateur production of The Sound Of Music) but some of my favourite movie-musicals are:

On The Town
Follow The Fleet (Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers)
Singin' in The Rain
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (although I'm not sure if you'd really class it as a strict musical...)
Ok, now, what is your favourite scene from your favourite musical? :p
Or, your favourite character from your favourite musical, and why?
I adore 'Oliver!' - it's been my favourite musical since I saw it on TV at the age of six.

I remember going to see it in London for my tenth birthday. My best friend at the time came with me and my family, and we went to Planet Hollywood for dinner before going to the Palladium. Was an amazing night and set my love for the musical in concrete i think!
Ok, now, what is your favourite scene from your favourite musical? :p
Or, your favourite character from your favourite musical, and why?

Oh jeez, narrowing it down haha! Favourite scenes:

Moses Supposes from Singin' In The Rain
Its a Lovely Day Today from Call Me Madam
Babbit and the Bromide from Ziegfeld Follies


I know there's a million more but that's what comes to mind at the moment!
They're technically not musicals, but I love both of those films, so go ahead.

If you are referring to liking the Johnny Depp version of Sweeney Todd yeah, but Sweeney Todd was also a musical on broadway way before the film. I love the film and I wouldn't mind seeing the theatre musical
^I was assuming we were talking about the Depp adaptation. I know ST is a musical, but I assumed we were discussing the Burton/Depp version because of the Nightmare Before Xmas suggestion.