Favorite Unreleased Song/s on Thriller 40?

What is MJJC's favorite unreleased Thriller 40 track?

  • Starlight

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • Who Do You Know

    Votes: 24 51.1%
  • Behind The Mask (Demo)

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • The Toy (Demo)

    Votes: 11 23.4%
  • What a Lovely Way to Go

    Votes: 19 40.4%
  • She's Trouble

    Votes: 14 29.8%

  • Total voters


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Even if Disc 2 has not leaked yet, I am already starting this Poll, as you can simply change your votes after listening to the songs. For now you could simply show your excitement for specific (unheard) tracks! Let's Go :)

Multiple-Choice possible! ;)
Hard to vote when we don't know the songs. - So as you suggest I will propably change my vote after I've heard all the songs. :)
There is a slight difference between (un)leaked and unreleased ;)
so far What a Lovely Way to Go wins, and nobody cares about Starlight.

I am really curious about the opinions as soon as we can finally listen to the songs intensively!
Why is it just me and 1 person who cares about listening to The Toy? :ROFLMAO: It's closer to being an unheard song than everything on the album except for WDYK and WALWTG.
Why is it just me and 1 person who cares about listening to The Toy? :ROFLMAO: It's closer to being an unheard song than everything on the album except for WDYK and WALWTG.
it is said to be very similar to Best of Joy.. at least imo it seems not as interesting as BTM or the two totally unheard tracks
it is said to be very similar to Best of Joy.. at least imo it seems not as interesting as BTM or the two totally unheard tracks
Yeah the vocals will be pretty much the same but the instrumental and the way the song is structured will be different. Besides, there's fan-recreations on YT of how the BTM demo sounds like. So that's why I'm more hyped for The Toy instead.
Oh I am most excited for the toy simply because best of joy is one of my faves. i also love MJs late 70s to mid 80s voice the most so I fully expect this to be even better.
Based on the snippets it's lovely way, trouble and toy
a couple of gems on dsc 2 but just hope we might get a 3 disc deluxe edition with even more gems ;)
She’s trouble is pure fire for me. That‘s some really great (synth?) bass right there. The LQ leak never made an impression but to hear it now crystal clear it is a huge upgrade and probably the best track on T40 imo
This is uplifting as I can only imagine the leaks of dream away and Chicago 1945 will feel severely upgraded too once we get to hear them in high quality.

My opinion on the other tracks is mostly disappointing. I love starlight but not in this quality, behind the mask would sound fantastic if polished and with a complete vocal take instead of what we got, the toy is also good but again not the way it is heard on this album. The other new tracks I can’t yet form an opinion on.
My ratings by how much I like the song, not song choices for the album

Starlight - 6/10 - just thriller but cringe lyrics
Got the Hots - 9/10 - Love it, very synthetic
Who Do You Know - 8/10 - Bare bones, but very nice
Carousel - 8.9/10 - Love the chorus, amazing, rest of the song is not as good but it’s still good
Behind The Mask - 9.1/10 - Might be higher once I hear the HQ and not a LQ CD rip, but sounds nice, wish there was more chorus
Can’t Get Outta the Rain - 8.2/10 - Just a fun song, but a bit too much for my liking
The Toy - 9.6/10 - Love it, better than Best of Joy, very nice song, reminds me of family
Sunset Driver - 9.4/10 - Love it, sounds so Off the Wall, but doesn’t fit Thriller
What a Lovely Way to Go - 9.2/10 - Remind me of a different song and idk why, I like it though, one of MJs better slow songs
She’s Trouble - 9.2/10 - The HQ is just amazing, the end is a bit too long for my liking
I know it is not a favorable option here but Quincy Jones can make these songs 100% better.
I wish he was still involved, it was a magical team like George Martin and the Beatles. Just give him all the tracks recorded between 78 and 89 and let him work his magic. Critics would eat it up and so would I
I know it is not a favorable option here but Quincy Jones can make these songs 100% better.
I wish he was still involved, it was a magical team like George Martin and the Beatles. Just give him all the tracks recorded between 78 and 89 and let him work his magic. Critics would eat it up and so would I
I'd prefer Chris Currell supervising the mixing of archive stuff for all recordings pre 1989. For the 1989-2009 period Brad Buxer would be my choice. Both know exactly MJ would have mixed certain songs.
My favourites are probably The Toy, She's Trouble, WALWTG and Who Do You Know. Would include Behind The Mask but it really sounds horrid (in a sound quality sense).
I’m not the biggest bad album fan to be honest, I want to hear instruments not keyboards dominating.
From what I understand Chris Currell was the main producer on the bad album, the direction Michael took the album in is not my fave. Then he wanted to recreate the album on stage and he even suggested some musicians to fake their parts so that Currell could reproduce the exact album sound on his synclavier I’m not a fan of that way of thinking. This is exactly where MJ shows started to go from exciting to boring, right there on the bad tour.
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I must confess to caving in and listening to the snippet of ‘the toy’.

I’m honestly blown away by how vibrant the vocals are. there are also beautiful harmonies that were not present in the con-temporised 2010 version; ‘best of joy. I wasn’t expecting that for an older demo. though I do prefer the instrumentation (based on the little I’ve heard so far) on the latter.

still haven’t heard ‘what a lovely way to go’ or ‘who do you know’ yet.

can’t get outta the rain’ has a legitimate reason for appearing on this collection. I welcome it with open arms 🙂

hot street’ is the glaring omission for me that I don’t understand. I guess I can live with it though..
Do not waste your money on this lol. It is awful. The estate clearly have no access to anything decent. Nor do they care . Hence why we sorta saved by the incredible Chicago 45 leak. Yeah we knew disc 2 were full of demos but whoever was in "charge " of this "project" cannot have had any connection to MJ , oh yeah i forgot that was the Jacksons themselves. It's awful. Not as bad as the "Michael " album but a very close second.
Verschwenden Sie Ihr Geld nicht mit diesem lol. Es ist furchtbar. Das Anwesen hat eindeutig keinen Zugang zu irgendetwas Anständigem. Es kümmert sie auch nicht. Deshalb haben wir durch das unglaubliche Chicago 45-Leck irgendwie gerettet. Ja, wir wussten, dass Disc 2 voller Demos war, aber wer auch immer für dieses „Projekt“ „verantwortlich“ war, kann keine Verbindung zu MJ gehabt haben, oh ja, ich vergaß, dass das die Jacksons selbst waren. Es ist schrecklich. Nicht so schlecht wie das „Michael“-Album, aber ganz knapp an zweiter Stelle.
No that's a mistake if we didn't support the project it would signal to the estate that there is no interest in unreleased songs and they will release garnix more which would be completely frustrating but we want to support unreleased music that's my biggest interest so buy support
No that's a mistake if we didn't support the project it would signal to the estate that there is no interest in unreleased songs and they will release garnix more which would be completely frustrating but we want to support unreleased music that's my biggest interest so buy support
We don’t need to support every half assed project of the estate. This is blackmail and they dictate the conditions.
No that's a mistake if we didn't support the project it would signal to the estate that there is no interest in unreleased songs and they will release garnix more which would be completely frustrating but we want to support unreleased music that's my biggest interest so buy support
The interest should have came from THEM when he was alive. They clearly do not have access to most of his stuff. Supporting them has to stop because they simply do not have these gems like Chicago , Men in Black , Jane is a Groupie etc. Also back then ( Thriller era) he it was an earlier era where things were not as recorded and "kept " which is why the amount of music left in the so called " vault" was much greater from Bad era onwards. Although I refuse to believe this album is the best they could come up with.
I voted she’s trouble.
Thriller has the best songs that didn’t make the final tracklist imo
After listening to the album I think I'll go with The Toy. Yeah, the instrumental is lacking and the vocals are pretty much the same as BoJ but I find the simplicity of the song charming and I love the new harmonies. Besides, it's interesting to see the vision MJ had for the song, Neff-U completely changed BoJ and turned it into his own song instead lol.