Favorite CANDY?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Burbank, CA
What's your favorite type of candy??

Mine are:

- Mint patties covered in dark chocolate

- Werther's Original (Sugar Free)
Resess Peanut Butter Cups the King size ones that are like twice as thick - love it when they've been in the fridge and are nice and cold :yes: Passionate about chocolate :)
I like just about all sorts of sweets. And like every other woman, I luv chocolate. :happy:
Milkybar. :D

I can only eat white chocolate now, cos I'm on beta blockers so I can't have milk chocolate or dark chocolate cos of the caffeine. :(
i like chocolate truffles..peautbuttercups, milkyway bars, 3 musketeers,
really the only chocolate i hate is dark chocolate.
and i cant eat sour candy anymore since it hurts my teeth..boo. ohwell its not chocolate anyway.
I don't eat candy...well, except fruit snacks..does that count?!?!
Sees candy on the west coast of U.S., and Esther Price candy in the midwest. Specifically the milk chocolate covered caramels as well as the white cream filled. Hold me back when there's a box of either brand sitting out at work, I have absolutely no control when they're around.

Still love Heath bars and Skor bars, but my old fillings/teeth make it very dangerous to eat them since they're so hard and crunchy, don't need any more dentist bills on top of everything else.
Milkybar. :D

Hey, we have that chocolate in Brazil, some years ago he was called "Lollo" (I think that is how you write, do not remember, long ago! Lol! And is the brand name "Nestlé". Are we talking the same chocolate?:scratch:) Hummmm that chocolate is very good.​

Hey, Michael also loves candies and chocolates is not it? What is the favorite chocolate or candy of Michael? :scratch:​
I also love Jawbreakers....a guilty childhood pleasure, but I imagine I'm the only adult still eating them lol

by the way, I also love See's candies.....wayyyyyy better than Godiva
i love dime bars, dont know if you guys have them in america lol an i love skittles and i think i read somewhere that skittles are michaels fave , but when i went to the usa on holiday i had a butterfinger and omg i just wish they had them in the uk lol
Salt Water Taffy, any flavor and Whatchamacallit or Twix. :p
Reese's Pieces
Hershey's Cookies and Cream
Cotton Candy
Now and Laters
Bubblicious Tropical Punch Bubble Gum
Peanut Butter Cups
Sugar Babies
Nestle Crunch
Hershey's Kisses
Gummy Bears
Pixie Straws
Sweet Tarts