Fav SAW movie ?

Fav SAW movie ?

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Jul 25, 2011
I love the SAW movies and cant wait for SAW 6 this october!
Im very curious 2 see which you guys like the most
Really liked the first one, second was also really good.
After that it became almost too disgusting, and maybe I'm a bit soft but I think the gore stuff takes away the genius from the movie because I get a bit thrown off by it.

I remember after watching SAW 3, I sat so pushed back into the chair that after the movie when I stood up I got cramps in my shoulders and neck.

But you've got to acknowledge the most often absolutely genius twists in the end of the movies.
the one where the creator gets his **** chopped off.
I think they are all genuis. the reason is the storyline for the most part is really good in all especially the first one. the acting is good. the effects are really good. most horror movies suffer in at least one of those! and to think that the madman thinks he is being merciful by trying to teach people to appreciate their life..and him being so fragile you cant help but pity that demon...genius.

the third was my favorite. I liked the traps! but all so far IMO have definatly been above average at the least. Cant wait for 6. my favorite horror films!
the first one... i don't like the others
The first one was good. Second was OK. Didn't like the 3rd. Haven't seen 4 or 5 and don't plan on seeing 6 when it comes out.

Ditto. The first was good, the second was alright, I couldn't make it through 3 and don't think I plan on seeing any of the others.
I have the box set which plays the creepy tune when you press the button. Sometimes at night (i dont no why night only) it goes of on its on scares the crap out of me sometimes! lol
I'm mad that they killed off detective eric matthews.

yea at the end of saw 4 with the huge ice blocks, But still he can return on some flashbacks and show what he did inbetween getting captured