fav national anthem, musically..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
no country favoritism..just...what do u think is the best, according to how great u think the music is?

to me...although i'm a usa citizen....my fav is the canadian national anthem.
"all other countries are run by little girls."
I really like the New Zealand national anthem. I've played it a lot at ANZAC day celebrations. Very uplifting tune.

I love the Japan national anthem too. I've played that a few times as well to welcome Japanese exchange students to Australia.

I don't really like my own anthem at all. I think it's dull and unendearing. I much prefer Waltzing Matilda
french italian aussie,welsh all uplifting songs. then again anything beats the drivel that is the UK anthem
I haven't heard many, I can't remember, but I do like USA's song. Especially the last part "......the land of the free"
no country favoritism..just...what do u think is the best, according to how great u think the music is?

to me...although i'm a usa citizen....my fav is the canadian national anthem.
Woot! :lol:

Like others, i haven't heard all that many either, but my favs so far are Russia and France. I agree that Canada's is very good too.

*goes to listen to the ones posted*
:angel:This is my all time favorite...Simply breathtaking~~~


Agreed homegirl :yes:

This ^^^and also this next precious rendition of the Italian anthem - Fratelli d'Italia. :) Came to love it because of Ferrari's victories courtesy mostly of Schumi lol. Diciamo che io sono una sorella del' Italia :p

You're saluting the flag, your country trusts you lyric certainly comes to mind, don't it?

Here's a top 6 according to a poll made by musicians and composers around the world between 2008 and 2010. I must confess that other than the Marseillaise, which i also love musically (can't say i'm the greatest fan out there of the French Revolution), i wasn't really aware of the other five, but i do find them beautiful and inspiring.

It certainly is uplifting. I looooove Ode to joy.

It is interesting to see how many anthems came to be in the late 1800s. On the other hand it is also natural considering that was one of the waves of creation of nation-states, in Europe and in other corners of the world as well.

I find national anthems, same as flags, empowering and beautiful symbols of national identity. I truly believe all countries are beautiful, but we all have reasons to be proud of our own country. There is though a fine line between patriotism and nationalism. At the same time, in our modern age when citizenship, ethnicity and nationhood are such flexible and fluid notions mixed heritage is also a gift for this world of ours.

MY own national anthem is rather beautiful. One of the days i live and long for is the one when the world will get to hear it in all its beauty and its glory, the day when the highest offices of my nation will no longer be occupied by people unworthy of such positions. Another day i live and look forward to is the one when the real talents of my homeland will receive the recognition they deserve at a much grander scale.

My country isn't any more special than any other in the world. Even with all our idiosyncrasies and flaws, as any nation for that matter, God has entrusted us with a beautiful place to inhabit and we are a truly good people whose dignity has been trampled for far too long by an extremely dangerous clique whose days in office are numbered. But like Mike sang ever so beautifully....but till that day, i guess we'll all have to keep the faith.

certainly haven't heard enough of them, but from ww sport-participating countries i'd go with Turkey, France and Egypt.

and an honourable mention to Stankonia.

:lol: Outkast rulz :D
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Besides Paraguayan and Argentinian anthems, both anthems which I hold in my heart because I'm half and half, lol
I like the Italian anthem, in part because I went to an Italian-Catholic school and because I'm descendant of Italians myself, so I spent part of my childhood singing it. And the French national anthem it's beautiful too, and it's so famous.

The National Anthem - Radiohead
I think I did it wrong.


Will you marry me?
lol, kidding :D

very well done actually :lol:
Exactly :yes:
Russian, German and American.

I love the Italian anthem too :giggle: but I'm biased!
The best anthems of all time:

?????? [USSR]:


None other moves me even a little bit.

'Cept maybe the English version of the USSR anthem:

"Strong in our friendship tried by fire, long may our crimson flag inspire. Shining in glory for all men to see..."

I have to admit to loving those lines. They make me feel...like doing something to better the world, somehow. Luckily, that emotion is fleeting, and I go back to my usual cynic apathy not long after.
I also have a particular contempt for the U.S. national anthem. What a self-absorbed, war-loving piece of drivel it is. Musically, it is nothing special, it has none of the spirit and might the USSR anthem has, none of the shining qualities the German national anthem has. No, it is musically mediocre, in my humblest opinion, and overrated by and large.
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Alles klar - agree wit cha about the German anthem, via the same Schumi connection :)

"Strong in our friendship tried by fire, long may our crimson flag inspire. Shining in glory for all men to see..."

I have to admit to loving those lines. They make me feel...like doing something to better the world, somehow. Luckily, that emotion is fleeting, and I go back to my usual cynic apathy not long after.

And for this kinda stuff i love ya homegirl :lol: U can be sooooo funny. God bless you. I know, i know u don't believe in Him....:p

I must respectfully disagree, with however small respect i can muster up for anybody in this world, with ur assertion of the American anthem. At times, the lyrics of anthems are about the past, i know mine is. This is not the proper topic to get into debates about American politics - foreign or not - but i gotta say for some of us the love for America and all things American (with the due recognition of all its bad sides as in any true love affair) might be a lottt more personal and the musicality of the song may be far less important than the emotional attachment one has to the object of affection :cheeky:

I know the topic was about the musical quality of anthems, but as always, for me things are multi-dimensional and multi-layered, not to mention that i take particular pleasure in steering things in other directions than the original idea.

I would caution anyone against praising songs which might have artistic merits, but are the symbols of totalitarian systems which for decades have stripped entire regions of the world of freedom, almost destroyed peoples and nations and made millions of victims in the name of the so-called 'friendship'. Much love for Russia, can't say the same for the USSR...
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^How many victims has American imperialism claimed, and continues to claim to this day in this sick modern-day version of 19th century Manifest Destiny they've concocted? Talk about destroying lives. And about freedom and equality, there is none in the U.S. There is tons of inequality, class discrimination, racial suppression, and of course the whole deal with not everyone being able to marry, and the meddling of religion in politics--sick. And the downright idiotic prohibitionist laws they have in regards to substances, and the rather stupid drinking age, among other things. Those are MY issues with the U.S. from having lived in that country as long as I have. I am sure others could come up with less petty arguments, but your nation is full of hypocrisy, something other nations have not so thoroughly flaunted.

As for almost wiping out entire peoples--what do you call the Trail of Tears, and the genocide of Native Americans. Are they not people? Or the disgusting way Japanese-Americans were treated during WWII, in the supposed land of the free? Or the atrocities American soldiers commit against civilians in the wars they have launched in modern times? Remember they are representing the country and its values. Truly sick.

My point is--there is no government or country which has not had its history besmirched by a period of indecency, and it is not fair to condemn one as exceptionally evil when another would not have hesitated to do the same had it the same resources and means available at the time. We humans are a strange breed, prone to despicable actions.

But, we are judging the anthems on artistic merit alone, as OP said. :p

I'll throw in this:

Is there a such thing as a "World anthem"????

It would be cool if we did have one!!!!
Is there a such thing as a "World anthem"????

It would be cool if we did have one!!!!

There's a Lost World Anthem =P Guess you'll have to settle for that. It doesn't have any lyrics though. xD

And no, a world anthem would be awful, as it would rouse the ire of alien species thus encouraging intergalactic invasion. I like the anthems of the countries I posted in my previous post. :3

Sometimes, little brats can make something better instead of irreparably ruining it, which is what they usually tend to do [exhibit A--my life]:

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I love the French, the Italian and the German. (Maybe it has to do with Formula One and Michael Schumacher too. :D)

I like the melody of the US anthem (kind of catchy), but not its lyrics. Self-absorbed, war-loving indeed.

I'm from Hungary and I don't really like the Hungarian anthem. Too sad and depressed (like the whole nation is). Perhaps that's why I like more cheerful ones like the Italian and the French.

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Regarding the German anthem, as far as I know they don't sing the verse starting with "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles" any more, because during the Nazi regime only that verse was sung. So now only the third stanza is sung which goes:

Unity and justice and freedom
For the German fatherland!
For these let us all strive
Brotherly with heart and hand!
Unity and justice and freedom
Are the pledge of fortune;
|: Flourish in this fortune's blessing,
Flourish, German fatherland! :|

I would caution anyone against praising songs which might have artistic merits, but are the symbols of totalitarian systems which for decades have stripped entire regions of the world of freedom, almost destroyed peoples and nations and made millions of victims in the name of the so-called 'friendship'. Much love for Russia, can't say the same for the USSR...

I have to agree with Severus Snape. The USA has done lots of horrible things as well, killed innocent people and continues to do so. Vietnam? Iraq anyone? Native Americans? Slavery? Guantanamo? And so on and so forth. The US likes to view itself as the great nation of freedom and justice but the rest of the world doesn't necessarily see it that way and with good reasons. However as we know, it's the winners who write the history books...
respect77;3597965 said:
Regarding the German anthem, as far as I know they don't sing the verse starting with "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles" any more, because during the Nazi regime only that verse was sung. So now only the third stanza is sung which goes:

Unity and justice and freedom
For the German fatherland!
For these let us all strive
Brotherly with heart and hand!
Unity and justice and freedom
Are the pledge of fortune;
|: Flourish in this fortune's blessing,
Flourish, German fatherland! :|


That's such bollocks. The song pre-dates Nazi Germany and has nothing to do with the Third Reich, and should remain the way it was originally written. I don't honour modern Germany's attitude at all in regards to the anthem, and as far as I'm concerned, the full "Deutschland über alles" will always be the national anthem for me.

But, have another anthem:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fwERapuM17k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Glory to the great nation of Equestria! -salutes-
Most countries national anthems I just totally L.O.V.E. Especially from Ireland, Scotland, England, Russia, Poland, Austria, and Germany. Those are the countries I am part of. But these are a few of my most favorite anthems. Israel, India, Morocco, Egypt, and Nepal. I just wish my own country's anthem was as good. As these other anthems. I am from the U.S. and ever since I could remember had never like my own country's anthem. The song America The Beautiful should be my country's anthem.