Fat woman (136kg) kills much smaller boyfriend (54kg) by sitting on him

Agent M

Proud Member
Jul 17, 2009
M.I.B. Headquarters
Woman kills lover by sitting on him


A US woman weighing 136kg has admitted to killing her much smaller boyfriend by sitting on him.

Mia Landingham pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the death of Mikal Middleston-Bey, who weighs just 54.4kg, FOX8 News reports.

Landingham was sentenced to three years probation and 100 hours community service. She was immediately released from jail.

Police said the couple, who share three children together, were arguing last August when Landingham sat on Middleston-Bey.

Middleston-Bey died of asphyxiation .

The pair had a long history of domestic abuse, according to Landingham's lawyer.

Landingham said she was sorry for squashing her boyfriend.

"I just want to say that I am sincerely sorry about this situation... I wish I could take it back."

Middleston-Bey's family were angered by the sentence.

"So basically you can say that I can go sit on somebody and get probation?" a family member said.

"I feel there wasn't no justice."


136 kg woman? That's sick.

And three children? :eek: How can that kind of woman even give a birth? Unbelievable. Sad story anyway. :(
Once you get over the whole "she sat on him" -thing, it's a really sad situation. I feel sorry for the kids, especially when you think that they not only had to cope with fighting parents when their dad was alive, but now their mother is known as "the woman who squashed her boyfriend."
this really is sorta sad...I feel bad for the kids....they have no dad and they will forever know that their mom killed him....sad ....poor children....:(
The next time my husband makes me mad...I am sitting on him..:lmao:...:ninja:
I guess she wanted to play 'Squash' :)

Come on guys, somebody died here!
We're also not makin' these jokes about Michael, we haven't made any jokes when Michael died! So please don't make these kinda jokes with this guy here, either!
this is like when you kill an animal by stomping on it, simply because you are bigger. you can die so many ways and its not funny.
I feel sorry for the children. As for the guy RIP. I don't know what else to say.
As for the ignorant comments seriously folks grow up!
Yeh guys
We shouldnt be laughing bout this, its not nice.
I'm sorry I laughed :( It just sounded funny at first. You're right it's not something to laugh about.
I have to admit I did laugh at first. But then I made myself stop because it really isn't something to laugh about. But I really do feel so bad for that poor guy to have died in such a horrible way. I feel even sorrier for those poor children of theirs. I once weigh more than that lady did. But I had lost a good 40 pounds or so in the summer. Because of Michael's horrible death had really effected me to where I was not eating at all. So I practically starved myself. In one month I had lost over 30 pounds. I hope that lady seriously thinks about losing weight while she is in prison.