Farrah's Story


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Has anyone else seen this documentary yet?

What a life lesson in strength, courage, beauty, love, family, friendships, finding inner peace, inspiration, heartbreak, and letting go.....

She has a beautiful spirit, just as so many people fighting this same battle do. I cried for the 2 hours I watched this, and her words at the end left an indelible impression on me. "How are you? What are you fighting for?" Words people speak all the time and we hear so often, but do most people truly know their meaning?

And yes, I think God will let you dip your Angel Wings down from Heaven to feel the rain once again.....
^^Sad..But it makes you think about never taking life for granted. :yes:
I wish people were like her more.
aww yea i watched this too..apparenlty alot of people tuned in. its nice farrah still has her fans and new fans coming to know her.

i cryed watching it espeically the part of her crying her cancer had returnd and the part her son climbing into bed with her and she did not know he went to prison and had cuffs on his ankles in bed with her .. and him crying talking to her. :( hope he gets his life back together himself.

i heard theres going to be a follow up documentary! its so aweful that the media and ryan even are saying it might be the end..so sad.. i was hoping she would be okay. i hope she comes out of this. her body has taken a toll. its so bad.
Knowing and seeing something like this
makes you have a reality check in so
many various ways. Cancer is a harsh
disease and those who have to endure
it my heart goes out to them. God bless
Farrah and her Whole family. Sending out
Prayers and good energy to her. Some of
us dont know how blessed we are.
I watched it too. She is very brave. I do feel bad for her with the situation with her son. That has to be very tough. Fair play to Ryan though. He is standing by her, looks like it's really taking a toll on him too though. Hope he is taking care of himself also.
i watched it too as well ...she is a very brave woman!!! it was very sad yet very educational as well ..... never take life for granted live each day as its your last ..
God called her home. She's now one of Heavens Angels. May she Rest in Peace now. So very sad.