Fansupport during TII


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
I was wondering, do you think there will be people at the movie who can help fans coping with their emotions while or after watching This Is It ?
If there are people like that, then they're going to have their hands full, I just KNOW I'm not going to be well at all... I can feel it already. :cry:
I hope so. :(

I'm afraid that there will be that one person who will be absolutely rude about people getting emotional though. I know I'll be emotional and crying and the last thing I need is somebody telling me to STFU. I hope there will be nice supporting fans there who understand. It helps to bring a friend with you too. :)
Yeah, I hope fans will be supportive and friendly to one another. :)
I'm going by myself, so hopefully the atmosphere will be cohesive and everyone can experience it together.

Haha, I'm going to be so disappointed if the theater isn't full in my city.
Im always supportive of whoever loves Michael... It will be weird going to the movie bc I dont know anyone in my town that is a fan. It will be interesting. Hopefully Michael will get the respect he deserves at the theater.
The reason for me to have started with this thread is because i hope the organisations that are involved have been thinking about this also...
I know this is gonna be an emotional rollercoaster, and that maybe for some it is going to be difficult to deal with... I'm certainly not hoping that some will do something ''you know what i mean'' to deal with it...

I'm just very concerned for my fellow fans:(
I wish i wasn't going on my own :( I've looked on the site though and it seems that there are quite a few seats that are already booked, so the cinema should be over half-full :'( It's terrible though, knowing that those shows were booked out so fast!