Fans We need your help


Proud Member
Nov 3, 2006
Korea (S.K)
This is my second post on 'This is it' forum.

As I posted before, there was a big mistake in translation on This is it

Do you know there's an interview of the music director of This is it (Michael Bearden) said "He never EMBARRASSED color, never really care about that. but he never forget where came from " ?
you can find it on your DVD and Blu-ray.

The problem is

it was translated in Korea like this:

Michael didn't like his color, but never care about that.

We called Sony Korea and UEK which made the DVD and Blu-ray.
We also called online sellers (similar to to get refund.
At first they promised us we would get refund if we want.
BUT soon Sony called all the online sellers not to let us get refund!!!!!!:bugeyed

The mistranslation became an issue, so you can find some articles in Korean on the web. :doh:
I mean it's just ridiculous.

I don't think we are overreacting. At least we show how much we care about Michael, and how powerful customers we are to Sony and UEK.

You may don't care if there's an error on the DVD, since it's not your problem. The subtitles for other languages were fine. I know.

However, this is like Sony vs Michael fans again.
If you care, please send Sony emails or call them. Sony Korea said it is not their fault because this DVD is not released in Korea, but in the U.S.
We are not fluent English speakers, so it's kind of hard to contact Sony U.S.A.

If you can contact Sony or UEK, please help us.
I don't think they will let us get our refund and release revised edition
for Korean fans only. I don't! ....but... this was the only choice we could do.

Living as an MJ fan here has been a tough job.
Sony just added insult to injury.

I hope this kind of things never happen in your fan life.
Michael Bearden stated
"He never embraced color, he never cared about that,
but never forgot where he came from"
NOt embarrrased color

that is why it was translated wrong _the korean translator
thought he said embarrased .... eeeek HUGE mistake

Thats terrible
saying Michael didnt like his color

the true meaning should be
He didnt embrace color (he didnt show favortism to any color)
he didnt care about color _ but he never forgot where he came from (his roots)

Refunds most likely are out of the question _ but you should try to request them
if not _ maybe we you at least get them to change that for any further copies made
with Korean subtitles ...

it does concern all fans _ and it should that
any DVD of TII goes out with that translation

but you seem fluent in english- :)
so maybe you can give a templet of a letter or email
in english for the lorean fans to send to Sony _ thay
also MUST do there part to get it changed and hopefully
we can get all fans to help support you in this
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You are right for wanting a refund, this is a huge mistake, you should post a link or an email address for people to complain to.
It's only one line in the movie, but it is important. It would be a shame to let people think that he was embarrased by the colour of his skin, because he obviously wasn't. This is the man who wrote Black or White for goodness sake!
^ Thank you guys. Qbee. Thanks agian.

Big online sellers started to refund today

Now I'm a little bit relieved....

I don't want to go through this kind of shit anymore.