Fans To Fan Exchange


Proud Member
Sep 27, 2009
There aren't many Michael fans where I live in fact it's the complete opposite I've been called pedophile for walking around my town wearing an MJ t-shirt.

I'm on holiday in France in a town called Tour, and was out walking around the centre and my headphones were pulled out from my iPhone exposing Unbreakable to those within earshot and a couple in front of me called Melaine & Vincent turned to me face I expected them to tell me to turn it down.
In fact they smiled asked me about Michael and we began a conversation talking about albums, tours the Bad Tour in particular as Vincents brother saw Michael in Paris.
Vincent & Melaine are the type of fans I wish there were more around me where I live.

Have u guys ever had an experience like this
I've had a few people notice my MJ shirt in random places and tell me they're fans as well. Not had anything much negative really.
My t-shirts are popular in Turkey as anything MJ is hard to come by here.
Fortunately for me where I live in the U.S. hardly anyone ever says anything about my MJ t-shirts. And I wear them all of the time out in public. As well as my 3 MJ necklaces. And the ones that do comment on them never says anything bad about Michael to me.
Fortunately for me where I live in the U.S. hardly anyone ever says anything about my MJ t-shirts. And I wear them all of the time out in public. As well as my 3 MJ necklaces. And the ones that do comment on them never says anything bad about Michael to me.

I wish I could get that reaction