Fans Plan to Restore Neverland Walls


Following on from my original report,about my anger and sorrow at the writings on the walls at Neverland, I found on facebook a group of fans who have the same concerns and want to do something about the problem. The group is called DONT DEFACE NEVERLAND AND FOREST LAWN!/group.php?gid=130676416969017

This was my suggestion to the group, which the owner and creator Stephanie agrees with

my support is from far away, (UK) but I agree its time to start doing something about this.

The first thing , in my opinion, is to officially contact Colony Capital, ie Tom Barrack. The letter or email needs to be approached in a professional cordial way, written not as a fan letter but more in the style of a buisness correspondance.

We need to get his support on this issues, as he is the legal owner. Talking to and getting the support of the front gate security will go no where until contact has been made to Tom Barrack. They are his employees and while they agree with us, they wont be able to do anything until they have been given permission by their employer.

Once contact has been made with Tom Barrack, then you will be able to discuss things like cleaning the walls, stopping future writings, the guestbook idea and any other idea which fans suggest.

The Jacksons and MJ Estate only have a percentage of ownership and are not in any legal position to do anything about the writing on the walls at Neverland.

The writing needs to be stopped and cleaned but the situition must be approached and sorted in a professional calm way, with the full co operation of the legal owners.

I know people might have issues with Tom Barrack, but the reality is he is the legal owner. Just like those people had no right to write on the walls, we also have no right to just go there with some cleaning things and clean the walls. We have to approach in a professional, adult way, with realistic goals and targets.

If there is any one in the position to go to Neverland, to talk to security, to let them know about this group, and to ask their advice on the next step. They would know how to contact Tom Barrack, and how best to appraoch this issue.

also, unlike recent times, the media and specifically TMZ have no buisness knowing our plans. Lets use this opportunity to return the fan community to how it was before June 25, with fans putting aside personal issues and doing something together for Michael. Thats how it has always been, doing things for Michael and not caring or wanting public recognition and media attention. This not about getting your name or photo in the papers, this not about me me and what I did, its about a group of fans coming together and doing something cos they care about and respect Michael and all he created and held close to his heart.

After posting this a few days ago, the group has suddenly gone very quiet. It seems many of the members of the group including Stephanie and her admin have been the victims of an intimatation and harressment campaign by certain fans who dont want the writings removed. These fans and their friends are the ones who wrote on the walls and encouraged many others to do so. When you go to Neverland, the writings that are the most proment and visable are by theses fans and as a result, everyone else writes on the walls, cos if fans did it, it must be ok!

We need to unite as a fan community and give this facebook group run by Stephanie our full support. We are the experienced fans, the long term fans who are not afraid to stand up for what we believe in, and are not put off by intimadation and harressement by a minority of fans. This is about protecting what Michael created, not about "oh look at me, Im the biggest fan, I left a permanent reminder to everyone on the wall".

Michael walked on that ground, saw those walls, went through those gates for over 20 years. Thats where, until circumstanses forced him to leave, he chose to raise his children. Neverland is Michael and Michael is Neverland, and despite who might actully own the property, no one has the right to deface and destroy what Michael created.
I've just joined that group. Thanks for letting us know about it. I don't know what I can do from afar, but I fully support this initiative.
This is a very sad situation :(

Can't believe how some people refuse to see that what they do/have done is simply wrong...

Hopefully they will stop their childish actions against those who want to make things right again.

Thanks for posting the update on this matter. I'm also far away and can't do much but I definitely support this.
Thank you for this, a wonderful idea. And those fans should be ashamed of their actions, its so disrespectful. There are so many ways to show your LOVE but what they did is wrong IMO.
We need to get his support on this issues, as he is the legal owner.
according to reports this isnt the case. the estate is majority owner as reported at the time when mj made the deal. id prefer the letters go to the estate rather than barrack and his connections.

joined the group. i know its done with L.O.V.E but its far more respectful to leave banners cards etc. that can be given to the kids.
thanks for the support everyone. We are still a long way from actaully cleaning the walls, but we are trying to find a solution to the problem, and do it properly. What we need now is to contact Tom Barrack, so if anyone has contact details for him, or knows the best way to contact him, please send a message to Stephanie, the creator of the facebook group.

thanks Elusive, hmm thats interesting, if you know who would be the best to contact, let me know, and yes, the best way is to leave banners and cards :)
hellooo mooney. hope you doing ok. not sure re contact i guess maybe brancas legal office. ive seen the details on the boards somewhere. i know it sounds kinda obvious but is there anyone directly at the ranch who could be contacted. like leaving a letter at the gates aswell as going direct to branca or whoever. obviously better to go direct to the source as leaving a letter at the gates then has to get from the gates to who needs it but its an xtra thing that may help.
hellooo mooney. hope you doing ok. not sure re contact i guess maybe brancas legal office. ive seen the details on the boards somewhere. i know it sounds kinda obvious but is there anyone directly at the ranch who could be contacted. like leaving a letter at the gates aswell as going direct to branca or whoever. obviously better to go direct to the source as leaving a letter at the gates then has to get from the gates to who needs it but its an xtra thing that may help.

thanks:) Someone is working on that angle too, one of the Cali fans has been to Neverland in the last few days and will be back there again next week. This is the hard part, making the first contact with the right person or people.
i joined. i agree that fans writting on the walls of neverland is wrong. what are they thinking and what makes them believe its ok just bc some other ppl did it? thats crazy. Neverland is a beautiful place that deserves all of our love and respect. Michael wouldnt want anyone to deface it even if they dont mean to or they dont think they are its wrong even if they are leaving what they think or call "message of love to michael" its still wrong. if they want to leave something for michael leave a card or letter or flowers for him and his memory. dont write on the walls. its wrong. I hope something can be done about this.
thanks:) Someone is working on that angle too, one of the Cali fans has been to Neverland in the last few days and will be back there again next week. This is the hard part, making the first contact with the right person or people.
