Fancy dress party... what should I go as?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia

I have to go to a fancy dress party this weekend, the theme is Film. So I can dress up as any film star, or character etc.

who or what should I go as?

Bare in mind I have only a week so I can't make anything too elaborate from scratch. And I don't really want to hire an outfit.

I'm quite happy to cover myself in silly make up etc and I'm always up for anything challenging :p So please shoot me your ideas!!!
Since you're into horror and the party is fancy, how about Morticia Addams? Slinky black dress, long black wig and plenty of goth make-up? How about Betty Davis' character from Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? :lol:
You know what I am gonna say! Go as Michael from Moonwalker! :lol: You could dress up as the silver car-machine! :wild: Get yourself a cheap suit and spray paint your whole body silver! :lol:

Ok, on a serious note, Wendy's idea is wonderful! Or you could go as the "Scream" character with the scary mask (they are pretty easy to come by) and all black- that would be nice and cheap... and scary!

(I'd personally dress up as "Marnie" from the film "Marnie". :lmao: )
^ :rofl:

I don't quite have the figure for Morticia... she was very thin :lol: otherwise I'd do it in a heartbeat, my hair is long enough at the moment too LOL

Whatever I decide to do I'll try to remember to take photos for here too :p
last one I went to I went as Beetlejuice, had the stripey suit, makeup and the crazy wig LOL

MJ was the obvious choice and didnt want to do that as they would have made me dance! lol
omg :p Beetlejuice how cool! :p

I'm going to have to raid my closet and see what I have :p

I have the creature from the black lagoon head mask :p and green scaly hands :p but yeah... dunno if I wanna go that way :rofl:
I don't quite have the figure for Morticia... she was very thin :lol: otherwise I'd do it in a heartbeat, my hair is long enough at the moment too LOL

Pfft... And who says you'll have to have the figure for Morticia to play her? :p

Like you said, it's a fancy dress party.. not an audition for The Addams Family movie! :lol:
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I've decided to go check out the costume hire place :p

see I luuurrve Sister Act :p and I'm hoping they have a nun costume... I think it would be hysterical to rock up at the pub dressed as a nun :rofl:
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A suggestion to the nun costume: wear sexy fishnet stockings underneath, and some really sexy shoes......................-_-

Cool idea by the way :)
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A suggestion to the nun costume: wear sexy fishnet stockings underneath, and some really sexy shoes......................-_-

Cool idea by the way :)

ahahaha nah I'm gonna be a total dork about it :rofl: I got a afro wig and a cross as well :rollin:

I'm so lame :p I will post photos when I'm all dressed up :rofl:

did you not hear me ??

Charlie Chaplin ... do it :ranting

GAH!!! You're too late! Next time :p that woulda been fun too :p

But Tomorrow night I'm going to be like Sister Mary Patrick I'm gonna be Sister Mary Jean :p the good and honest twin sister of Billie Jean :trish:

gotta practice my singing skills cause I'm sure I'll have to perform some hymns and oh boy :p I can go around "blessing" all the people in the pub :rollin:
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Sister Mary Jean :p the good and honest twin sister of Billie Jean :trish:

gotta practice my singing skills cause I'm sure I'll have to perform some hymns and oh boy :p I can go around "blessing" all the people in the pub :rollin:

LMAO :lmao: I can't wait to see LJ!! :lol:
Like I promised :p

there are pictures!!! :wild:


The good photos are with my friends camera so we'll have to wait for all of them but here's 3 snaps mum managed to catch of me as I was running out the door :p




It was a hysterical night. I was the driver so we had all sorts of interesting stares by people who were getting overtaken by a nun, a vampire, a dead person and a hollywood "hooker" :lol:

All night I spent my time blessing people and making the sign of the cross.
I asked the barmaid if they served holy spirits.
I blessed the free water, which meant that my vampire friend couldn't drink it :p

I pointed out all the sinners and I prayed for them, and I told more nun jokes than was probably allowed in one evening :rofl:

I'll post the other photos later :p Thanks for the costume ideas though guys and gals I'll definatley try some of those suggestions in future events :p