Fan Makes a Video of Her Call to the LAPD Asks: Why Murray Not Arrested?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The video was made about 3 weeks ago.
It is very informative, and is a Must Watch
She does get a response:
Clink on the link below:

If the video link does not work for you, in short the LAPD says
there may be some progress in the investigation by the beginning of

next year.
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hmm..HE also stated that this is DEFINITELY a homicide..and some one WILL be arrested.....My question is....will it be Murray??...Or someone else.....they got ya thinking.
Hmmmmmm maybe they have the big fish...
I know everyone who loves MJ is looking forward to see the veredict soon, but I believe it is better to take time and do a big investigation as MJ deserves and be sure they catch all the responsables.... the investigators can have strategies we don´t even dream of.
I said this back in June:

It will never happen.

Michael Jackson is dead and they are waiting around for Hollywood (Media)to finish the script. They will follow it and as you will see nothing will come of it. It is all for the cameras. However remember how with an accussation(with no proof) they sprang into action and Michael was in handcuffs sitting in a holding cell for 45 minutes; with feces all around him. Later to be released on $3,000,000 USD bail.:no:
If the video link does not work for you, in short the LAPD says
there may be some progress in the investigation by the beginning of
next year.


yeh my butt there will progress!

im sorry but i just dont see it happening!
LAPD folks. I knew they had nothing to do with the case. They sent this poor woman to one separate division which then sent her to another separate division.
Well... we'll see what happens in the new year.

Hope for the best.
I let justice to God. My only preocupation now that MJ is in heaven, is for all people around the world to know the truth about the good person he was and for the lyars to have a deep pain in their hearts so they repent.
I said this back in June:
It will never happen.
Michael Jackson is dead and they are waiting around for Hollywood (Media)to finish the script. They will follow it and as you will see nothing will come of it. It is all for the cameras. However remember how with an accussation(with no proof) they sprang into action and Michael was in handcuffs sitting in a holding cell for 45 minutes; with feces all around him. Later to be released on $3,000,000 USD bail.:no:

Completely agree but I am still holding onto a sliver of hope...Maybe.
Hopefully justice will be done!

He has to pay for what he did.

Can't the family sue him if he is convicted?
I said this back in June:

It will never happen.

Michael Jackson is dead and they are waiting around for Hollywood (Media)to finish the script. They will follow it and as you will see nothing will come of it. It is all for the cameras. However remember how with an accussation(with no proof) they sprang into action and Michael was in handcuffs sitting in a holding cell for 45 minutes; with feces all around him. Later to be released on $3,000,000 USD bail.:no:

i dont know about that but i agree that when they had no proof AT ALL on Michael and accusations on child molestation they didnt waste a single second raiding neverland, doing one press conference after another and getting michael in handcuffs, humilate him by not only showing his mugshot but locking him in a bathroom with feces all over the wall then rushing in to a arriangment and then a trial that he was found not guilty on all counts. BUT as soon as Mj passes they take their sweet ass time getting a conviction and making a arrest whne they know damn well who killed Michael. they act like they are just making sure that they have all the facts but thats crap. they got what they need they just dont seem to care that michael is gone and that his family and fans are in pain. that makes me angry and sad knowing that this murder is still on the loose and will most likely kill someone eles. I hope they finally make a arrest before the new year bc this is getting to be a joke.