fan gives logical explanation why glee isn't doing mj episode


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
As we all know by now, any use of Michael Jackson's music must be approved by his estate and the appropriate fees paid. Today, I was doing some followup research on Sunday's show and found out that it is true--the music of some artists is just too expensive for the show to use. (Even Eminem is rumored to be out of range.)

In an age of reality tv, "Glee" is an expensive show to produce. Last May, National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" reported on the show which was, at that time, unprofitable. Producers were counting on a building a bigger audience with the upcoming Super Bowl special in 2011. (
Sunday's episode of "Glee" was reportedly the most expensive episode of the show thus far, topping out at production cost of $4 million. (

Some of that lofty cost surely included a hefty fee for the use of "Thriller." My guess is that the producers of "Glee" wanted to get the most audience bang for the buck. They held out on doing a Michael Jackson themed show because it was too expensive but gambled that using one song could be more than pay for itself if it was used at just the right time--Super Bowl Sunday.

Apparently, the gamble paid off. Despite some of our criticism of the shortcomings of the show, "Glee" drew a record 28.6 million viewers and the highest ratings for any since 2008's post-Super Bowl scripted show in 3 years.

IMHO,the successful outcome, in terms of ratings, was due to Fox's clever publicity campaign to attract viewers with the name and music of Michael Jackson. While we would have liked more, done better, one song by Michael Jackson was enough for "Glee."

orginally posted by angel_watcher from
i can see why they wont do a mj episode but i wouldnt rule it out entirely. im sure at some point they will. American Idol did a MJ show last season before he died. and also they didnt just do thriller. on lastnights show They did "PYT"(pretty young thing) for their Valentines Show which was awesome!!