Famous people rediculed!!! Need help


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
Hey y'all, This is Romi and I'm working at a Domestic violence shelter where I do group work for children ages 5 and up. My topic is Self Esteem!

I was wondering if y'all have any idea other than Michael about celebrities that have been rediculed and looked down on but it never got to them and made their lives better than others could ever imagine!

I'm trying to get them to be inspired by what these people have gone through! Most of these kids have been abused by their parent or seen people they love being abused. I want them to know that they can rise above it if their heros like (Michael) have done it!


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I'd say that after Michael, Britney was the worst victim of public ridicule. Fortunately things are going better for her now.

Good work you're doing btw :)
Tom Cruise has been the target of ridicule for various reasons...his religion, gay rumors, the famous Matt Lauer interview, jumping on Oprah's couch (lol), etc.
Honore de Balzac: Famous French author, who was constantly reviled by his mother, and told he would never make anything of himself, was mediocre in school and was unloved by her because of his so-called "shortcomings", including the fact that he was her husband's son, whom she did not love. He was not anyone's idea of a charmer, but despite all this he went on to be one of the most celebrated authors in the French language, and his works live immortalized to this day.

Ke$ha: Yeah, seriously. The girl has determination. She went from being a waitress to being a world-famous singer, despite being ignored by Prince, and she has taken her fair share of media criticism, and other insults, yet she's still successful, beautiful, and talented.

...that's all the people I could think of atm.
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Charlie Chaplin was surrounded by controversy a lot, due to his attraction for and relationships/marriages with women much younger than him, being looked down on as Jewish (by the Nazi propaganda), even though he fiercely declined to dispel rumors about that, because, to him, that meant playing "directly into the hands of anti-Semites." He ridiculed Hitler in the "Great Dictator" and was very much peace-oriented; he didn't join the British Army, for which he was criticized, but it was said they didn't accept him because of his small height and for being 'underweight'. However, he vocally supported the opening of a second European front to assist the Soviet Union in the Second World War. Joan Barry, a woman he had a brief relationship with, had a child, and although birth tests proved Charles wasn't the father, she sued him, and Chaplin was ordered to pay for the child's support.. His reputation in America was badly shaken after these accusations, Chaplin's second wife later claiming he had paid corrupt government officials to falsify the blood test results. His political activism, him siding with the Left were also much debated aspects.

He was a dignified person, nonetheless, very outspoken and resilient. Not to mention a genius.