~*~~Famous Last Words**~


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004

Ok does anyone know of their favorite person's famous last words were?

Post it here.!

I am going to start & according to msn.com here is afew:

I find it very odd that JFK's last words were: "If someone is going to kill me, they will kill me" (upon arriving in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963).

Princess Diana: Last words: "My God. What's happened?"
(d. Aug. 31, 1997)

Joan Crawford: "Damn it ... don't you dare ask God to help me."

Elvis Presley
Last words: "I hope I haven't bored you" (ending his last press conference).

Other reports say his last words were: "OK, I won't" (last words spoken to this woman, who told him on the way to the bathroom not to "fall asleep in there").
(d. Aug. 16, 1977)

James Dean: That guy's got to stop ... he'll see us." (d. Sept. 30, 1955)

Marilyn Monroe: Last words: "Say goodbye to Pat (who?), say goodbye to Jack (see previous sentence) and say goodbye to yourself, because you're a nice guy." (Who did she say that to?)
(d. Aug. 4, 1962)

Tammy Faye Messner:
Last words: "I'm in the hands of Jesus."
(d. July 20, 2007)

Frank Sinatra: Last words: "I'm losing." Other sources say, "I'm losing it" (according to his daughter).
(d. May 14, 1998)

Barry White: Last words: "Leave me alone. I'm fine."
(d. July 4, 2003)

Edgar Allan Poe: Last words: "Lord, help my poor soul."

(d. Oct. 7, 1849)

Frida Kahlo: Last words: "I hope the exit is joyful and hope never to return."
(d. July 13, 1954)

Virginia Woolf: Last words: "I feel certain that I'm going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices."
(d. March 28, 1941)

Marvin Gaye: Last words: "Mother, I'm going to get my things and get out of this house. Father hates me, and I'm never coming back."
(d. April 1, 1984)

John Lennon
Last words: "Yes, I am" (while sitting in a police car on the way to the
hospital, after officers asked him if he was John Lennon).
(d. Dec. 8, 1980)

Robert F. Kennedy: Last words: "Is everyone else all right?" (whispered to his wife). (d. June 5, 1968)

Mother Teresea: Last words: "Jesus, I love you. Jesus, I love you."
(d. Sept. 5, 1997)

Joe Dimaggio: Last words: "I finally get to see Marilyn" (referring to his ex-wife).

(d. March 8, 1999)

Al Capone: Last words: "You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can get with a kind word alone."
(d. Jan. 25, 1947)

Alex the African grey parrot: Claim to fame: The subject of a 30-year scientific experiment to study the intelligence of parrots Last words: "You be good. See you tomorrow. I love you."


(This makes me wonder what Michael's last words were)
I'm surpirised Oscar Wilde's last words were not in there: "My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us has to go."
Actually, he was referring to his drapes.

We were taught it as wallpaper at school, but I know other people have been taught it as drapes or curtains and even the words have been taught differently in different places, so I don't feel 100 percent sure as to which it was. Sometimes people have been taught it as "either these curtains go or I do".

Just looked it up on the web and both versions come up but apparently both are unlikley to have actually been his last words. He definitely did say something along those lines in his last days though but I can't find anything confirming what the words/furnishings it was one way or the other.
^^ that makes me think, I wonder if Michael knew his children were witnesses to what the dr was doing.
My favourites:

"Hier, hier ist das Deutsche Herz." ~Prussian officer in Wesel, the last of eleven who were being shot via firing squad by Napoleon's orders. The bullets of the first round missed him, after which he uttered the above phrase, before being shot at once more.

"Imperious, choleric, irascible, extreme in everything, with a dissolute imagination the like of which has never been seen, atheistic to the point of fanaticism, there you have me in a nutshell.... Kill me again or take me as I am, for I shall not change." ~Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade, in his Last Will and Testament. (These have to be my favourite last words by anyone, ever, lol).

"You too, my child?" ~Julius Caesar, after being assassinated by Brutus. Caeeessarrr!! ♥__♥

"Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar!" ~Shakespeare!Caesar, after being stabbed by Brutus in the play based on the events.

Others I like:

"This is a mortal wound, doctor..." ~Alexander Hamilton, after being shot by Burr. (Really?)

"The sadness will last forever." ~Vincent van Gogh in a suicide note™(truer words were never spoken).

"I don't care if I live or die. Go ahead and kill me." ~Jeffrey Dahmer

"France, armée, Josephine." ~Napoleon Bonaparte (kinda uninspiring, but I like him, so there).

Random quotes I came across while perusing wackypedia and think are funny/interesting:

"Moose....Indian." ~Henry David Thoreau (probably the best thing he ever said).

"Uh-oh." ~Michael J. Smith, some guy who was on the Challenger, said this pretty much right before it exploded. Pretty tragic, but a bit amusing in a twisted way. As Tom Lehrer said, "what is it that will make it possible for us to spend 20 thousand million dollars of our tax-payer's money to put some idiot on the moon?" I find NASA pretty damn pointless, so this whole challenger thing could have been avoided if only we put our resources into more important things.

"This is the first time authorities helped me escape prison." George Sitts, murderer, said this before being executed in 1947. (Lol, true enough!)

"I'd like to be in hell in time for dinner." ~Edward Rulloff, 19th century seriar killer. (Well, at least he's punctual!)

"Ich bin Heinrich Himmler." ~Heinrich Himmler (Apparently, he forgot who he was immediately before he died, and he had to remind himself. Pretty uninteresting quote, but I thought the concept of an amnesiac Himmler found by the British was funny).

"Mozart! Mozart!" Gustav Mahler, as reported by his spouse Alma, of whom all other women were jealous, if Tom Lehrer is to be believed. (Maybe he was the reincarnation of Mozart, and, like Himmler, was in an amnesiac state unable to be alleviated until the very moment of his death).

Talking about Mozart...

"The taste of death is upon my lips. I feel something that is not of this Earth." ~Mozart (his soul merging with Mahler's, perhaps?)

While on the topic of supernatural phenomena...

"Tomorrow, I shall no longer be here." ~Nostradamus (Wow, he really <i>was</i> a prophet, wasn't he? :p)

"No." ~Alfred Rosenberg (sounds more like something Dr. Phil would say on a soundboard prank call, but anyway...)

"I did not get my Spaghetti-O's, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this." ~Thomas J. Grasso (admittedly, I have no idea who this guy is, I just thought the quote was funny. Maybe Spaghetti-O's should consider making him their new mascot. I can just see it. Spaghetti-O's: delicious enough to be last meal requests).
CaptainEoLove85;3412028 said:
Interesting thread. I too wonder what Michael's last words were. I'm guessing to say "I love you" to his children :cry:

As for Michael's last words, I guess we'll never truly know which were his last actual words, however, Wackypedia cites the following as being his last "official" words.

"This is it... this really is it."
Who: Michael Jackson, "The King of Pop"
Announced as he entered his limo, leaving practice of his "This is It" concert. Died later, the next afternoon.
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"Weep not, I shall not die; and as I leave the land of the dying, I trust to see the blessings of the Lord in the land of the living." &#8211; Edward the Confessor (King of England, 1002-1066)

&#8220;May God never abandon me.&#8221; - Blaise Pascal