Family friend Terry Harvey talks about MJ (video)

Re: family friend Terry Harvey talks about MJ (video)

This is a LIE who is this guy? No results have been made public. He even admits it by saying "I think the results will...".Why is this tabloid trash allowed to posted here; while serious dicussion of Michael Jackson's probable murder is quickly closed?

This link is a must read.

Before we go off and believe everything that is printed and "reported" as "news" by the lying media. Does not anyone even remember MJ's own words about the press or who MJ really was; he was no junkie!
yeah agree NOTW for starters at least put it in the trash section
Is this the same guy that was on that Jacques Peretti 'What might of happened, maybe? ok so we dont really know'?

the one who did an interview in a car, at night, in a carpark
Is this the same guy that was on that Jacques Peretti 'What might of happened, maybe? ok so we dont really know'?

the one who did an interview in a car, at night, in a carpark

yes :)
I am dubious about him, selling story to CH4 and NOTW but... what if he is telling the truth and trying to get it out there. Something tells me there is some truth to what hes saying, I don't know why - just a feeling.
OK!!!!!!! So tell the world that criminal charges are going to be filed so that all of the so call murders can get their ducks in order... Please another so call Jackson family friend running off at the mouth........
terry harvey had NO concerns about Michael doing these shows in the weeks before AND after he announced them. i know that for a fact
There is just way too much confusion being piled on top of confusion to let anyone truly focus on where things should be. Until it is figured out what happened and when things happened and why things happened as such that particular night and morning, it will be hard to go to what led up to all of this.

All this other stuff right now is just taking away from that. The press has all but stopped talking about Dr. Murray and trying to connect some dots with him. Yet, they are full throttle on the addiction story. They were about to go so with the "he couldn't perform any more until the video was released and made many pause with that line of thinking. The thing is the more video, which I would hope the police has reviewed, seen would give a better picture of what Michael was actually looking like, talking like, and thinking to the best that that can be captured on film.

It is almost like people should divide into who was saying before that he couldn't do these concerts and who now is insisting such. It may not be directly related to his death but I think it is part of who is jockeying for position. Too much of either different things being said or nothing being said for this to not have holes in it in one direction or the other.
There is just way too much confusion being piled on top of confusion to let anyone truly focus on where things should be. Until it is figured out what happened and when things happened and why things happened as such that particular night and morning, it will be hard to go to what led up to all of this.

All this other stuff right now is just taking away from that. The press has all but stopped talking about Dr. Murray and trying to connect some dots with him. Yet, they are full throttle on the addiction story. They were about to go so with the "he couldn't perform any more until the video was released and made many pause with that line of thinking. The thing is the more video, which I would hope the police has reviewed, seen would give a better picture of what Michael was actually looking like, talking like, and thinking to the best that that can be captured on film.

It is almost like people should divide into who was saying before that he couldn't do these concerts and who now is insisting such. It may not be directly related to his death but I think it is part of who is jockeying for position. Too much of either different things being said or nothing being said for this to not have holes in it in one direction or the other.

Very well put :)