'Fall Again' recorded by songwriter for Jazz album


Proud Member
May 21, 2006
Kenny G Teams Up With Robin Thicke To Record An Old Michael Jackson Demo: Preview Kenny G Featuring Robin Thicke 'Fall Again'

...the album's first single, 'Fall Again' Featuring Clizbeats featured artist, RobinThicke! 'Fall Again' was actually written by a then 22 year old Robin Thicke with producer, Walter Afanasieff.

The song was originally written for Michael Jackson, intended for his last album, Invincible. Even though the song was never included on the album, a demo of the song that Michael recorded was included on Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection from 2004.

Although it is nothing more than a favorite of die hard MJ and Thicke fans, the song has gone on to become known as a milestone in Robin Thicke's career as a songwriter and producer. It has been referenced as an important part of his musical resume in many interviews that Robin did as an up and coming performer. . He has said many times that 'Fall Again' was the only song that he had written for someone else that he would have considered recording himself. Now that thought has become a reality for now 33 year old Robin Thicke. Check out Robin singing vocals on the new Kenny G version of 'Fall Again".


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Lovely song. I love Michael's version and wish he included it on an album. This version is nice as well.
You know what's so strange? I heard this on the radio at work today and had to stop in my tracks. I planned to Google and see who had actually recorded it, but then I saw this thread. So thanks. :D I wish Michael had recorded. I love his voice on the demo version, but I like Robin Thicke, and this one is good too.
people aren't going to like hearing this, but once you've heard Michael..everything else is a step down. it feels like the track is tremendous, and Thicke's voice is trying, in the aftermath of Michael, and Thicke's voice is mechanical. it sounds like the track is too good for Thicke's voice. like the track is begging for Michael to come back. and i will, of course go back to listen to MJ's version, to refresh myself. now, Thicke is a singer, no doubt. but that means nothing, here. and Kenny G reminds me of Diddy making an 'obligatory' appearance in a video by sounding off on this track. i don't know how i would have reacted, if this was the first version i ever heard. but there is no what if. there only is what is. magic is magic, and i only feel it with Michael. and i think the radio stations are lagging for playing this version when they know MJ's demo is out there. they know what they're doing, and they think they're doing fine...but, they're not. Mike..i miss you. i'm not talking like this just because i'm an MJ fan. i'm talking objectively, as a person whose sensory system was affected the way it was affected by all this. i was able to stop this recording, midway. i am not able to do that, when i listen to MJ's version. now i'll go back and listen to this version, from where i left off.

edit...what's amazing about the demo was MJ interrupted the session to take care of his kids, who were in need. you can feel the inspiration in MJ's version..the spontenaety..and, the love for his kids, and the fact that they came first in that situation, comes out in MJ's lovely demo...

i also love how MJ never made it clear, what lyrics he was singing.. in this version, Thicke makes clear what lyrics he's singing..and, so, for the first time, i hear, 'i can die in my sleep'..and....that haunts me.

anway..i feel that insiders really think this is Thicke's landmark song, cus they heard the MJ demo. after all...that's what they bring up.

edit..again...i notice i stop breathing when i listen to MJ's version. i can't even breathe when i listen to it. when i'm done listening to MJ's version, i hear and feel myself exhale for the first time, again.. it's like i don't want my breathing to interrupt MJ's demo. i couldn't help myself. it all just came naturally!
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Michael's version is better. Thicke is a good writer, although I am not really a fan of his at all. The song is excellent. One of my favourites.
I like Kenny G. I would like to hear Kenny's version with Michael's vocal :)
Michael's 'Fall Again' is for me the best and only and is one of my favorite songs ever, it makes me cry every time I hear it.

But I’m a big Kenny fan also, so I’m glad Kenny recorded the song.
May happen that non MJ-fans while listening to this new record will learn one day more about Michael’s beautiful 'Fall Again' demo :)