Fake Songwriters?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Providence, RI
When an artist claims (with their own mouth) to be a big part of the writing and production aspect of their songs...do you think it hurts their credibility when their are 4 to 6 different people's names listed in the credits? and why does it even take THAT many people to write and compose one song in the first place? I mean I know there is a lot that goes into it, but 6 different names?

Any Thought's???
and why does it even take THAT many people to write and compose one song in the first place? I mean I know there is a lot that goes into it, but 6 different names?
I take it you've never seen a 1970s or 80s Isley Brothers album, in which the songs are written by the 5 Isleys & Chris Jasper, lol. On a lot of funk band albums, there's many names on the songwrtiting credits. That is usually because the whole band contributes to the song in some way. Maybe the horns make up their part, and then the bassist makes up his or her part, the vocalist writes the lyrics, etc. Some records might say something like "All songs written by Genesis", instead of listing the individual names of the band members, probably to save space.
Beyonce. I think she's given too much credit for songwriting when I suspect that her contributions to her songs are quite minimal.
A lot of bands write songs together and all get credit. Sometimes the primary writers are generous and list anyone who contributed anything to the song.

That's a good point, but I think the OP was talking about solo artists.
acts ask for a cut on the publishing to get a co write credit. it can be for one word. 9 times out of 10 if you see a song with 4 or more writers it was only done with 2 tops or one. it is about sharing some loot and spreading the wealth.

beyonce and her pops made a deal with sony where they got a cut of songwriting publishing and Production credits.

bottom line the powers that be sell a name brand and you joe and mary public may or may not read the credits and it is sold that way to build up hype. it is part of the machine.

Beyonce on a Keyboard might not now a c flat from a cup of coffee that is flat but who cares it is sold as a certain way to create. just like with Alicia Keys.