Fake Boyfriends or Girlfriends?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
According to the Urban Dictionary:

When you and a boy are hooking up, but it's a complete secret and he sometimes acts like you're not.
"how long have you and him been hooking up?"
"like... a month"
"oh are you guys together?"
"no he's just my fake boyfriend"


"why does he treat you like that if you guys are hooking up?"
"because he's my fake boyfriend"


(N) : A female lady friend that you may or may not have physical relations with. Often times she is wealthy, great in bed or awesome eye candy. At times she may receive actual girlfriend treatment ie flowers or she have a special dinner cooked for her.
I asked my buddy if he wanted to go get some drinks after work and he said no because he was going over to the fake girlfriend’s house to hang for a bit.

You know, the one that says "Let's see other people" or " I want an open relationship"....

What do you do?

Some woman asked me that at work today, so I told her to just use him for his body for the time being....she cracked up.
I've never heard this term before. Is this not just the same as having an open relationship?