Extremely frustrated/disappointed/depressed


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
Ok, there is a friend of mine who is able to do what I always wanted to do, I'm rooting for her, and it's great that she is able to do this, but I always dreamed of doing what she's about to do. And there is a bunch of other who are doing exactly that, and it seems like it's only me who is not moving forward in life, who's still where she was 2 years ago. I don't know whatever I want it never turns into reality like there is some kind of a curse. I just never succeed in anythiing I want to succeed, I don't know why I'm writing this, guess I needed to get it off my chest, but I don't think it's fair that' always my dreams get shattered, that I have to make compromises, sometimes, it's just extremely hard. I just don't get what I did so wrong for me never to succeed at anything, I'm not a horrible person, I consider myself an average person, a person with human emotions. I sometimes feel like the whole world has conspired against me.
Sorry again all this is utter BS but like I said I just need to get it out.
I know how you feel. But the world isn't against you :hug: I bet there's loads in your life that you've accomplish and you just make it seem like it's not a big deal. Good for you for being able to be happy about your friend though.. for me that's the hardest. Your dreams will come true in time, just don't lose hope/give up :)
The aim is to not give up no matter what happens you keep going and you will find yourself in the right place at the right time:yes:

I know how you feel. But the world isn't against you :hug: I bet there's loads in your life that you've accomplish and you just make it seem like it's not a big deal. Good for you for being able to be happy about your friend though.. for me that's the hardest. Your dreams will come true in time, just don't lose hope/give up :)
Yeah, of course I'm happy for her, I even helped her get where she is today
The aim is to not give up no matter what happens you keep going and you will find yourself in the right place at the right time:yes:

Thank you guys, but it's just hard to have faith in something, or to dream of something when one's dreams have always been shattered.
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I know what you mean............

I've been looking for a full time job for what seems like forever............here in England, finding work is sooo difficult.........and people are losing their jobs on a daily basis.......

I can understanding having one's dreams shattered..........nothing ever goes the way we want it to............

You just have to stay positive....because with the right mindset, there's always a chance of achieving something!!!!