external hard drive itunes help

Soso Deaf

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
je suis de maroc
okay so my busted ass dell was finally put to sleep...sort of.

i have an external simpletech hard drive that's got 320 gb worth of storage. my only reason for buying it is so i can transfer my whole big ass itunes library from my busted ass dell to my new and wonderful HP.

how the hell do i do it? i saved somefiles randomly on the hd before i had net access on the hp. i got cable net today and DL'd itunes to the new comp. it automatically tookthose random files i saved and uploaded them to my library.

now i can't figure out how to load the rest. when i try to transfer it w/ W.E.T. the old comp. saysthere's not enuf avail space and i know there is.

when i tried manually to upload each artist, it would only load a few songs from them and not their whole folder of songs i have...

it shows up as folders w/ the artist name but not all of their songs and i have more than 5K songs so dragging them one by one really ain't an option.

i just need to know what kind of folder to save my itunes on during my w.e.t. that'll allow me to just point and click and voila!

also, i was able to dl stuff from limewire andadd them to itunes. now it won't let me put those songs in a playlist. it'll show up as 'limewire downloads' on my itunes and i can't even burn them to a disc. any suggestions?
My iPod got on my nerves. Every time I would put it in to get on iTunes, my damn computer will freeze up. I had to reboot the whole computer and have refused to put it back in. Plus it was eating up my GB. :no: So I don't trust it. I might as well could've gotten Zune.
I guess I am no help then ... in iTunes, I simply highlight as many songs from an artist that I wish to transfer/copy, then drag them to the folder I want them in. whether it is to a memory stick, zune, massively mini, creative media, miezu or flash drive etc.
What I do with my external hard drive is: 1.Click File on iTunes 2. Click Add Folder to Library 3. Choose the folder from the HD I want to add.

Or you can just create one folder with all the files and make that your default iTunes folder (in iTunes settings). Works for me at least.
omg i had to actually talk to a geek...it was horrible. so i find out that instead of having to go out and actually buy an ex. harddrive (dammit!) i could use my ipod as one. u just change a few settings on the ipod,close itunes, then open up the ipod folder as well as ur itunes library folder. drag the library folder into ur itunes folder and voila, all ur songs are there.....

cept the ones i downloaded. sux but and im trying to dl all of them again, the ones i can remember but at least i didn't have to manually add each song!
Well if you are windows all you need to do was go onto my documents, then my music, in there is a file called itunes music, just copy that and paste onto external hdd. Then on your different computer copy that same itunes music folder onto the equvalent position on that computer. But anyway you used your ipod instead. :D