Experts: drug amounts in Michael Jackson death probe don't add up


If Michael Jackson died from lethal levels of the powerful anesthetic propofol, then his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, would have had to inject much more of the drug than he reportedly told police, medical experts said.

That opinion is based on court records unsealed in Houston on Monday in which Los Angeles police detectives recount Murray's statement, taken in a three-hour interview two days after the pop star's death.

According to the records, Murray told them that he had been giving Jackson 50 milligrams of propofol each night over a six-week period. Murray told police that he had been trying to wean Jackson off the powerful anesthetic and, on the night of his death, gave him a combination of other sedatives -- until finally succumbing to Jackson's repeated demands for propofol.

According to the documents, Murray then gave Jackson 25 milligrams of propofol. But those amounts -- 25 and 50 milligrams -- are far below the dosage required to anesthesize someone and keep them asleep, several experts said.

"It doesn't make any sense," said Dr. John Dombrowski, a member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. "I cannot believe that was the number that was given. Such a small amount won't tip anyone over in terms of respiratory depression. ... If that's what his testimony is, I don't believe it."

What's more likely, Dombrowski said, is that the numbers in the documents are somehow in error. Murray might not have provided an infusion rate -- such as 25 milligrams every few minutes -- or police did not understand the medical terminology. If the amount of propofol is higher, combined with the other medications, Dombrowski said, then "you are going to start to see an overdose."

The preliminary toxicology reports cited in the court records said that "lethal levels" of propofol were found in Jackson's blood, a finding that sources familiar with the investigation maintain was a significant factor in the pop star's death.

Murray has maintained that he believes nothing he administered Jackson should have led to his death and said through his attorney that he answered the questions posed by detectives truthfully. In a YouTube video posted recently, Murray thanked his supporters and said, "I have done all I could do. I told the truth, and I have faith the truth will prevail."

-- Kimi Yoshino
Cause he a f*ckin liar. I believe nothing that comes out of that Mutherf*cker mouth. He makes so f*ckin sick. I hate this mutherfucker with a f*ckin passion.

You f*ckin assassin. I hope you burn in hell for eternity.

Yo, really ya'll got to excuse me but this dude he really raise my blood pressure.

Michael Jackson Dies From Lethal Dose of Propofol

Powerful Anesthetic Administered by Dr. Conrad Murray

Lawrence Kobilinsky
Forensic Scientist and Chairman, Dept. of Sciences, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Tuesday, August 25, 2009; 1:00 PM

Michael Jackson died in his rented mansion June 25 from a deadly dose of the powerful anesthetic drug propofol, according to an affidavit unsealed Monday. The Los Angeles coroner made that assessment after reviewing preliminary toxicology results from Jackson's autopsy, according to the search warrant affidavit given by police Detective Orlando Martinez.

Lawrence Kobilinsky, a forensic scientist and chairman of the Dept. of Sciences at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, was online Tuesday, Aug. 25, at 1 p.m. ET to discuss the report and explain what the findings may further indicate.
Washington, D.C.: According to Dr. Murray, he administered 25 mg of propofol to Michael Jackson. The coroner has determined that Jackson died from a lethal dose of propofol. Is 25 mg a lethal dose if administered in the proper conditions.
Lawrence Kobilinsky: The dosage administered by Dr. Murray (if accurate) is far below a lethal dose. It is the combination of Propofil and the other benzodiazepines that resulted in death due to respiratory failure and cardiac arythmia resulting in cardiac arrest.
Washington, D.C.: Every anesthesiologist I've ever spoken to has told me that you just don't screw around with Propofol without oxygen and assisted breathing. Even then, most will not go anywhere near it except in the context of an operating room. The fact that a cardiologist without proper training even ventured into this territory tells me that someone is going to prison.
Lawrence Kobilinsky: Propofol is a very commonly used anesthetic and if administered by a trained physician anestesiologist does a fantastic job. It has its effect manifested quickly and upon cessation of administration, the patient wakens with virtually no side effects. This is not a drug to be administered in a home setting. When it is used, the patient must be constantly monitored and there must be equipment available to resuscitate the patient if he/she begins to go downhill.
Germantown, Md.: I wonder how realistic it is to press criminal charges in a case where a patient demanded the drugs. Certainly there are medical ethics questions, and I can easily envision a wrongful death suit, but homicide?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: A person has died. The question is: Did the patient die as a result of "bad judgement" on the part of the physician. There is a line between malpractice and criminal behaviour. The question is whether or not the charge will be manslaughter and if so, then to what degree. Ethics is certainly part of the issue. The oath that every physician takes is "to do no harm." Mr. Jackson's death was certainly a harm that cannot be reversed. Did the doctor intend to kill Michael Jackson? Of course not. But...he should have realized that administering so many CNS depressing drugs was dangerous to say the least. Bad judgement can kill.

Washington, D.C.: If Michael Jackson had been taking all of the drugs found in his system for years how can the doctor be charged with homicide?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: Because, whatever Michael Jackson took in the past is almost irrelevant to the present case. The Doctor will certainly argue that Mr. Jackson was addicted to a host of drugs including propofol and that he was trying to wean him off of these drugs while at the same time helping him deal with his horrible insomnia. Jackson was obtaining all types of prescription drugs (Schedule IV) from a number of physicians. In a sense they all share in the problem of caving in to the request of a very wealthy but needy celebrity
Chattanooga, Tenn.: I've heard the coroner ruled MJ's death a homicide. What exactly does that mean?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: The medical examiner is charged with finding the cause and manner of death. Cause of death is a medical explanation for what resulted in the death (stroke, severing of an artery by knife, etc). Manner of death has 5 categories:

Homicide, Suicide, Accidental, Natural Causes, Cause unknown (for the time being). Calling the death a homicide does NOT mean that Dr. Murray will be charged with homicide. It does mean that the death was criminal and somebody must be charged as a result.
Washington, D.C.: In such a case, where a patient needs such heavy medication to sleep, shouldn't the doctor be trying to find out the cause rather than medicate so heavily? And...what could have been the cause of this severe insomnia?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: Insomnia is a terrible condition and affects millions of people in this country. Typically, physicians will prescribe a drug in a class called benzodiazepines. Each of these has a number of effects on the patient: 1. sedatiion; 2. Muscle relaxant; 3. relieves anxiety 4. Anticonvulsant; 5. Amnesic. Each by itself in the right dosage will not harm a normal individual. Patients with respiratory issues can be seriously effected by any of these drugs and they should be avoided. Assuming that Jackson had no such problems but suffered only from insomnia, administering one of these drugs makes sense. But not all of these drugs in combination. Michael Jackson was certainly addicted to this class of drugs and because of the fact that his body was accomodated, he required higher dosages to fall asleep. After becoming addicted to these medications, one will have a rebound effect if they are abruptly stopped. Insomnia is what I mean by a rebound effect.
Lawrence Kobilinsky: My name is Lawrence Kobilinsky Ph.D. and I am a Professor of Forensic Science and the Chairman of the Department of Sciences at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City. I have been asked to discuss a number of cases wherein a celebrity has died as a result of drug toxicity. I have found that the cause of these deaths is not any one drug but a combination of drugs that act in a similar fashion to depress the central nervous system, to slow respiration and to affect heart rhythm. It is a tragedy that we now have another celebrity fatality due to a combination drug situation.
Washington, D.C.: Do you think it is plausible that Jackson could have slipped out of consciousness such that he couldn't be resuscitated in the supposed 2 minutes that the doctor was out of the room? Even if the doctor hadn't left the room, do you think that he could have saved Jackson once all of the drugs had been administered?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: This is a very tough question to answer. There is a point during which CPR and counteracting meds will fail to save a life. Dr. Murray administered CPR and gave Jackson an antagonist (anexate) to counteract the effects of the benzodiazepines. Nothing helped. He made two mistakes:

1. the anesthesiologist should never leave a patient's side when the patient is administered i.v. propofol and 2. he should have called paramedics immediately upon learning that Jackson had respiratory failure. These issues will haunt him when the trial commences.
Reston, Va.: What could have caused such severe insomnia?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: Jackson was under great pressure and I suspect his mind was racing "a mile a minute." All he could think about is "why can't I fall asleep." His body was accomodated to these drugs and therefore required a higher than normal dosage to have any effect. The propofol was the straw that broke the camel's back. Some people can fall asleep listening to music or by doing breathing exercises, or by drinking milk or by counting sheep. Others request and demand drugs. The physician's responsibility is to treat the patient without making the problem worse. Not an easy task.
Newport, R.I.: My God. Dr. Murray should clearly bear the consequences of forsaking the boundaries prescribed by his medical license and the poor professional judgment he has shown and never, ever be permitted to practice again. If he or any other physician can be so easily compromised by the clout of a celebrity and the smell of a stack of greenbacks, he should not be put in such a position of trust again. That said, it is insidious that the Jackson family is crying foul play in a situation where Michael has a well documented history of prescription drug abuse and where Michael apparently insisted on the medications or as he called it, his "milk." It is patently clear that had he not gotten it from Murray, he would have just gone to someone else -- and he apparently has. The sad truth is that this family sees profit in keeping the Michael Jackson tragedy alive.
Lawrence Kobilinsky: Your comments are reasonable and logical. I think that Dr. Murray felt (and perhaps still feels) that he did nothing wrong. He was trying to cure the insomnia while at the same time weaning Jackson off of propofol. At some point, he had to make a choice. Should I give him more valium? ativan? versed? or must I provide the propofol. He decided that he had to provide all of these drugs to get the desired effect. Bad decision. Bad result! Michael Jackson got his sleep....... permanently!
Anonymous: How important is the timeline in this tragedy? In your opinion could this have been averted if emergency help was called sooner?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: It is hard to say if paramedics could have saved him. Once the heart stops beating, oxygen depletion of the brain follows quickly and the results are irreversible in a matter of minutes. Waiting more than an hour to call 911 was another poor choice of action.
Boston, Mass.: Do you think 2nd degree murder charges are possible?
The negligence of this case is crazy; no doctor can get away with this and the other involved should get some kind of punishment also.
Lawrence Kobilinsky: I highly doubt that the charge against Dr. Murray will be murder. The laws are fairly clear as to which charges might apply. Often the D.A. will start with "higher" charges and then as the trial approaches the charges are "lowered." The jury may be given a menu of charges to decide from. We will have to wait to see what the D.A. decides to do. I think the big piece of the puzzle that is missing is the Toxicology Report. What will that say? This is the most important part of the case which we still have not as yet seen.
Washington, D.C.: So, do you think Dr. Murray will be criminally charged? Even if he isn't convicted, could a separate process bar him from practicing medicine based on his negligence?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: I do thin that Dr. Murray will face criminal charges as well as malpractice charges. There is a good possibility that he will be sanctioned by the medical board and that his license will be suspended. We have to be careful however. He has not been tried. There is no indictment. He is entitled to a defense once he is charged. There may be facts that we still do not know. A person is innocent until convicted by a jury of his peers. The case will continue to be of interest to me and to the rest of the world.
Washington, D.C. (not a state yet): Why would a physician not just say no? The crime to me is that Michael Jackson had so many people around him who could be bought off.
Lawrence Kobilinsky: You hit the nail on its head, my friend. A physician should learn how to say no. Of course, that would mean that he could be fired and lose his incredible salary ($150K/month plus expenses). No doubt, othere physicans would be called in and pressured in the same way to provide sleep aiding drugs. The bottom line is that it makes perfect sense to say: I am your physician. What you are asking for could kill you. I will not give you these drugs because I have taken an oath as a physician to do no harm. Sorry!
Fairfax, Va.: Jackson had said (supposedly to his then-wife Lisa Marie Presley) that he was afraid he would die the way Elvis did. And it wound up he did. Do you think this internal fear and sort of self-professing philosophy actually contributed to his death?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: It is interesting to make this point in retrospect. However, I think that Michael had everything to live for and was not suicidal. He had only one thought in mind. I need to sleep and I will do anything to cure my insomnia. I have experienced the effects of many drugs in the past and I never was harmed. I pay a small fortune to my personal physician and he has to help me. I know what is best for me. (This is me trying to get into the mind of Michael Jackson). The Doctor should have said NO to his demands for propofol.
Washington, D.C.: In such a case as severe insomnia, is it better to treat or just look for a seems that nothing was working except the drug that killed Michael Jackson.
Lawrence Kobilinsky: Many people are under great stress in their everyday lives. Sometimes the source of the stress cannot be eliminated or eased. It is important that the body gets sufficient sleep to recover from the daily "assaults" that we all encounter as we live our lives. Sometimes, sleep medication is called for. BUT, it must be administered in the correct amount and not abused. All of these drugs are addicting and physicians need to be alert when prescribing these medications to avoid potential abuse of these drugs.
Washington, D.C.: If the drug propofol is so dangerous, then how is it possible that any doctor without any anethesia experience able to puchase it so easily.
Lawrence Kobilinsky: The answer to your question is that physicians cannot obtain this type of medication from the local pharmacy or from the manufacturer. I suspect that the propofol was obtained 1. from outside of the United States where there are less strict controls on such drugs or 2. from a hospital. I suspect that the DEA and LAPD Narcotics detectives are trying to determine where the propofol came from.
Anonymous: What defense is the doctor likely to mount in this case ?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: The doctor will argue that he was attempting to solve a medical problem by administering (normal) doses of benzodiazepines and that he was trying to wean his patient off of propofol which he had been getting by i.v. nightly for the past 6 weeks prior to his death. He was trying to respond to the complaint of insomnia through accepted means without propofol. It was only many hours later in the late morning that he realized that Jackson could not sleep when he made the fateful decision to give him a "low" dose of propofol. He administered CPR. He administered anexate to counteract the benzo drugs. He then called for help. He will have a tough uphill defense battle on his hands.
Westport, Conn.: Was Jackson's personal MD a trained anaesthesiologist and did he always have the proper equipment, like an intubation kit and AMBU bag so someone else could breathe for Michael if he did become unconscious from this sedation? Can he lose his license for misprescribing this drug as a sleep aid?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: His personal physician is a cardiologist and not an anestesiologist. My understanding is that he did have equipment on hand to resuscitate a patient including oxygen if it was needed. I do not know if he had the kind of equipment that you mention in your question. I suspect that there is a significant chance that he will lose his license as a result of the death of Mr. Jackson. Again, I want to repeat that he has not as yet been charged. There is no indictment. There are no malpractice charges and he is innocent until convicted in a court of law. We will have to wait and see how this all plays out.
Anonymous: How much will Jackson's mental health be an issue here? Is the case to be made that this was a very sick man who was trying to medicate away very serious mental illness?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: Whether or not Michael Jackson was in control of his destiny and was in his right mind is not the issue. The doctor was directly responsible for Jackson's well being. If he refused to administer the drugs, perhaps Mr. Jackson would be on his European tour right now.
Richmond, Va.: Bravo to the comments from Newport, R.I. Michael Jackson was a drug addict, whose death was no more tragic than than thousands of addicts who die each year from drug overdoses, legal and illegal. As Newport points out, if it hadn't been Dr. Murray it would have been someone else.
It's time we stop lionizing a pedophile and a drug addict.
Lawrence Kobilinsky: The issue for me is that a person who was under the care of a physician has died. Did the doctor have any responsibility for the death. Whether Michael Jackson was a good person or an evil person is not an issue about which I have sufficient knowledge to address.
Washington, D.C.: You wrote that Jackson had been receiving propofol by I.V. nightly for the past six weeks prior to his death. Why would the propofol kill him then on this particular day? Or was it the drug interaction that killed him, the combination that Murray gave him?
Lawrence Kobilinsky: The propofol did not kill him. It was the propofol plus the valium plus the ativan plus the versed that killed him. Multiple drugs all effecting the Central Nervous System is a toxic cocktail. The toxicology report will clarify exactly what happened.
Lawrence Kobilinsky: I would like to thank you all for your excellent and thoughtful questions. There is much that we still do not know. On July 4th, my sister was in a hospital and was administered ativan despite the fact that she had respiratory problems. She died as a result of the administration of this drug. They refer to this as iatrogenic meaning that death was not due to natural causes but rather, the doctor, made a bad decision. We have to stop doctors from making bad choices. Doctors are trained to help patients and not hurt them. On that note, I must depart. Thanks again for your wonderful questions. Lawrence Kobilinsky
Richmond, Va.: Bravo to the comments from Newport, R.I. Michael Jackson was a drug addict, whose death was no more tragic than than thousands of addicts who die each year from drug overdoses, legal and illegal. As Newport points out, if it hadn't been Dr. Murray it would have been someone else.
It's time we stop lionizing a pedophile and a drug addict.
Lawrence Kobilinsky: The issue for me is that a person who was under the care of a physician has died. Did the doctor have any responsibility for the death. Whether Michael Jackson was a good person or an evil person is not an issue about which I have sufficient knowledge to address.

Richmond, Va. can BITE ME!

"a person who was under the care of a physician has died" Exactly. End of.
Michael wasn't a drug addict damnit!! He died because he wanted to sleep! How can that be ok?? Who the fuck is this Richmond to say something like that?! He called MJ a P?? F THIS IDIOT.
So the propofol did not kill him but the cocktail of drugs that stupid doctor gave him. I have a friend that works as a pharmist tech and when this happen in the beginning she told me that diprivan is never to be given with other drugs.

How could this man be so stupid and provide diprivan after giving Jackson all these sedatives.

And I do not believe MJ was a drug addict. He only started taking the Propofol as the TII started approching. Which made got more anxious and lost sleep. A drug addict do not contro when he can stop and start taking a drug.

And that question from Richmond about MJ being Pedo was just wrong seeing the man was acquitted.
But..if I'm right you don't have to be given a lethal dose to die?

Isn't that the exact reason they employ anesthesiologists in hospitals, to monitor patients when under anethesia because the line between life and death when under is incredibly fine? And Murray left him to go to the bathroom (allegedly) and then made phone calls for almost an hour!

And wouldn't....
It's time we stop lionizing a pedophile and a drug addict.
give the Jackson's a law case?
Could Michael Jackson really of gotton help for this supposed addiction if he wanted to?

With all those paparatzies following him I do not see it being possible?
Could Michael Jackson really of gotton help for this supposed addiction if he wanted to?

With all those paparatzies following him I do not see it being possible?

He did before....
god help us if ppl like this get on the jury.brainwashed idiots then again wgat do u expect from washington post readers

Could Michael Jackson really of gotton help for this supposed addiction if he wanted to?
fans need to help stop with the brainwashing. point me evidence of mj being addicted in 09 no wonder the gen public think he was a druggie when speculation become the truth in 2 minutes because of chinese whispers
So the propofol did not kill him but the cocktail of drugs that stupid doctor gave him. I have a friend that works as a pharmist tech and when this happen in the beginning she told me that diprivan is never to be given with other drugs.

How could this man be so stupid and provide diprivan after giving Jackson all these sedatives.

And I do not believe MJ was a drug addict. He only started taking the Propofol as the TII started approching. Which made got more anxious and lost sleep. A drug addict do not contro when he can stop and start taking a drug.

And that question from Richmond about MJ being Pedo was just wrong seeing the man was acquitted.

no the cause of death is LETHAL AMOUNT OF PROPOFOL , not combination of drugs . that's why i don't believe Murray's story about all these drugs been given to mj that night , well not before his death . till this moment no body answered my question why would you hook someone at 1.30 am to IV when all the meds you want to give him are found as pills?

the expert is commenting on murray's claims , if indeed that what really happened then it was caused by a combination of drugs not propofol only which contradicts what the coroner is saying .
exactly there is no proof of addiction, but if you say he had no addiction then you are "in denial"...but then again where is the evidence?

But..if I'm right you don't have to be given a lethal dose to die?

Isn't that the exact reason they employ anesthesiologists in hospitals, to monitor patients when under anethesia because the line between life and death when under is incredibly fine? And Murray left him to go to the bathroom (allegedly) and then made phone calls for almost an hour!

that's right you don't have to necessarily be given a lethal amount...maybe michael's body reacted badly and went into respiratory depression OR Murray indeed gave him more Propofol and he's lying
addiction to what exactly? propofol ? it is not an addcitive drug , mj was not injecting himself with propofol 100 times aday to get sexual arousal like the docs and nurses do , he was getting it to sleep and the way he was getting it it was not addictive and had no " fruits " an addcit would enjoy .

as for him building tolerance against other less dangeruos drugs like the one murray claimed to give him that night, mj suffered from severe insomnia since he was a little kid touring with his brothers , certainly he was not addict back then .
All the reports I've read say that it was the combination of propofol and sedatives that killed him. Not just propofol...
Thanks for posting, so the professionals don't think it adds up either.
all we read in the search warrants was the coroner saying the cause of death was lethal amount of propofol , not combination of drugs .
all we read in the search warrants was the coroner saying the cause of death was lethal amount of propofol , not combination of drugs .
Then why does it says this in the news story on the front page of MJJC?

"Forensic tests found the powerful anesthetic propofol acted together with at least two sedatives to cause Jackson's death, the official said."
I am so confused. Even with documented accounts we still don't really have any definitive answers. This is frustrating!! I just want to know how this happened!!!
Forensic tests found the powerful anesthetic propofol acted together with at least two sedatives to cause Jackson's death, the official said."
because thats coming from a source its not offical like the search warrant
that what the source said not what we read in the search warrant , in the search warrant no mention of other drugs , all they are saying we found these drugs beside jacksons bed prescribed to him by this list of doctors, murray told us he gave him this and this and that and then propofol , the coroner told us the cause of death is lethal amount of propofol .
if indeed what murray said was true then the coroner would have said mj died of combination of drugs and propofol had no role in his death since the amount given was not able to make mj sleep let alone kill him .
Then why does it says this in the news story on the front page of MJJC?

"Forensic tests found the powerful anesthetic propofol acted together with at least two sedatives to cause Jackson's death, the official said."

That information is supposedly from an 'official who spoke on condition of anonymity'. So, it has to be taken in that light.

The 'affidavit for search warrant' from the search documents has this:

"[Officer] Martinez told [Officer E.G. Chance] that he spoke to Dr. Sathyavagiswaran, the Chief Coroner for Los Angeles County, California, who stated that according to the autopsy performed on Jackson, the Coroner's Office determined that, at the time of his death, toxicology analysis showed that Michael Jackson had lethal levels of PROPOFOL in his blood."

That's indirect as well - the Coroner spoke to an LAPD officer who told this to a Houston PD officer - but we know exactly where the information came from and via who.

We can't take either source as absolutely 100% reliable, but a named, official, source is generally a lot more reliable than an unnamed 'official'.
That information is supposedly from an 'official who spoke on condition of anonymity'. So, it has to be taken in that light.

The 'affidavit for search warrant' from the search documents has this:

"[Officer] Martinez told [Officer E.G. Chance] that he spoke to Dr. Sathyavagiswaran, the Chief Coroner for Los Angeles County, California, who stated that according to the autopsy performed on Jackson, the Coroner's Office determined that, at the time of his death, toxicology analysis showed that Michael Jackson had lethal levels of PROPOFOL in his blood."

That's indirect as well - the Coroner spoke to an LAPD officer who told this to a Houston PD officer - but we know exactly where the information came from and via who.

We can't take either source as absolutely 100% reliable, but a named, official, source is generally a lot more reliable than an unnamed 'official'.
Oh, okay.