Executors need to establish a virtual Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think it's now evident that there needs to be a more creative process in Michael's music releases rather than just putting songs out there.

Executors, especially McClain who seems to be in charge of Michael's music, needs to harness elements that were crucial to Michael

- selecting good songs
- hiring the best talent of mixers, arrangers, producers
- Refine the song through several stages till you have the best blend of sound and instrument and additional creative sounds and distinguishing features

- Produce a quality video to accompany the song. Get good film producers, tap talent even what you wouldn't normally use, for instance MJ used a film producer to do TDRCAU, who doesn't normally do music video, but he would bring along to the song an element MJ wanted that the producer achieves through film.
- Get the video dancers and stage arranged and performed as if MJ would be there in real life, perhaps responding to a standin for emotional expressions effect, then after filming, a group of animation experts can integarate MJ into it with conceptual dance moves and make it "real", because Hollywood is way ahead with this kind of technology.
- Ensure films produced will stand the test of time.

- Never use a cheap budget on song or video, because each production should be a masterpiece. Not to release demos. This should be the last time they release demos. Demos are for box sets, they can do that in 8 to 10 years on a box set, but the next 2 MJ albums should be quality output.

He needs to take a hands on approach and assume MJ was the one making the choices, but now he is in his shoes making those choices, not bumping 50 songs over to leave it to Sony or some executives to choose what to use. It should be more refined.

Also, a major MJ song release without an accompanying video is also nowadays like a car with a missing tire.
very interesting Ideas but I'm not sure if there thinking about music right now there too busy with the financial probs
but it would be amazing if they would do that no one has ever done it before and it will have a big positive effect on MJ's legacy and thats exactly what we need right now and that is to take ppl's minds off all the b.s
you should try and contact them via email or something
nice post BTW :flowers:
- Get the video dancers and stage arranged and performed as if MJ would be there in real life, perhaps responding to a standin for emotional expressions effect, then after filming, a group of animation experts can integarate MJ into it with conceptual dance moves and make it "real", because Hollywood is way ahead with this kind of technology.

I love this idea
I seriously agree that someone who really *respects* Michael needs to be involved in ANY AND ALL releasing of "new material."
Everyone is so excited about all of the new stuff coming out, but I'm not at all. I'm so scared they're going to just screw it all up. Of course I'm excited to hear anything that comes from him because it's him - but listening to rare/unfinished/canned demos is entirely different than worldwide official releases of his songs - edited, completely reworked under his name without his approval.

Just like Emily Dickinson made a deathbed request to her sister to burn all her papers after her death (which her sister halfway fulfilled...), I'm surprised Michael didn't somehow have something in writing to keep his stuff vaulted, giving power to a couple people to release at their discretion. (Then again, maybe he did....) He was just such a perfectionist. He wrote feverishly, but released seldomly. I just can't help but feel he would be mad and probably embarrassed to see stuff that didn't live up to his standards being released under his name.
I seriously agree that someone who really *respects* Michael needs to be involved in ANY AND ALL releasing of "new material."
Everyone is so excited about all of the new stuff coming out, but I'm not at all. I'm so scared they're going to just screw it all up. Of course I'm excited to hear anything that comes from him because it's him - but listening to rare/unfinished/canned demos is entirely different than worldwide official releases of his songs - edited, completely reworked under his name without his approval.

Just like Emily Dickinson made a deathbed request to her sister to burn all her papers after her death (which her sister halfway fulfilled...), I'm surprised Michael didn't somehow have something in writing to keep his stuff vaulted, giving power to a couple people to release at their discretion. (Then again, maybe he did....) He was just such a perfectionist. He wrote feverishly, but released seldomly. I just can't help but feel he would be mad and probably embarrassed to see stuff that didn't live up to his standards being released under his name.

Michael said on a dvd I listened to that he wrote a hundred songs for each album.............so even for those not mathematical can imagine.......that's an awfully wonderfully LOT OF SONGS we not heard ..................yet.........:clapping:
If anyone has any comments on this......I'd like to hear...........Sony will dribble them out piece-meal..........but is it possible that anyone else has been given the authority by Michael to release any of his other unheard work?
This fascinates me........... it's all we have now..........of his wonderful heart and unsurpassable talent..................his song.........:-( :doh:
Michael said on a dvd I listened to that he wrote a hundred songs for each album.............so even for those not mathematical can imagine.......that's an awfully wonderfully LOT OF SONGS we not heard ..................yet.........:clapping:
If anyone has any comments on this......I'd like to hear...........Sony will dribble them out piece-meal..........but is it possible that anyone else has been given the authority by Michael to release any of his other unheard work?
This fascinates me........... it's all we have now..........of his wonderful heart and unsurpassable talent..................his song.........:-( :doh:

Believe me, I totally understand. I want to hear and see any and every "Michael" thing that I can get my hands on, but I don't think Sony should release any and everything they have. The very first thing they tried to do without him, TII, ended up a complete mess and now Michael's paying for it - literally and figuratively. Sony, WE KNOW, does not respect Michael and just wants to make money off of him. We need someone who cares about Michael's musical legacy to step in. While the general public may disagree on him as a person, his body of work remains untarnished. I don't want that to change.