Exciting News


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Surrey , UK
Those who know me know i like to have a little post now and again at work as i cant chat much to people. I have just had a phone call from thomas cook, and they have offered me a holiday rep job for 2010!! After a vigarous long interview process saturday in birmingham , they have finally called and offered me the job. Your the first peeps to know!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk i wanna jump and shout and scream im so excited. Listening to the Dangerous album on the train on the way up deifnatly helped lol! x
suger aw , thats wonderful ~so pleased!, yup , dangerous work magic , right ? :lol:
Sounds fancy, I assume it pays well? :D

Nope not at all. Infact I am taking around a £11,000 pay drop however - they pay for your flat and utilities and I get to wake up in the sun everyday rather than wake up cold and sit in a dark office all day. So i can handle the pay drop :O)
And think how many new people every week ill get to meet, making sure people have amazing holidays!
See... it's all about the Dangerous album...it has powers I swear.... :rofl:

While it sucks you take a pay cut, it sounds like it's a job you REALLY want, which can be better than high pay. And they pay for your flat and bills? That is AWESOME! :woohoo: I want a job that pays for my apartment!!! :p

Congrats on getting the job, I bet you'll love it :D
Sounds so good! well done! :) who cares about the money, if your in the sun and doing what you want then its all good :D
can i come lol once i looked at doing that in italy on the campsites. but yeah u didnt get much money for it.but then theres the sun.
Just a quick update friends!! first chance ive had in Turkey to get on here with limited connection, still MJJCing all the way here in Turkey!! :eek:) Hope everyone is strong still. Going to spread the love on the 25th with the michael impersonator out here in Turkey.
I dont know how i have coped without this place for 3 months!!! aghhh i have all my pics of the fans from here etc from meets and been showing them off to the Impersonators/Fans who cant get to the UK and they love it!! recommended this site too , to them
Your job sounds so awesome hun, I'm happy for you! :D I already was like ''Where did she go?'', no idea you were working in Turkey. :eek: I am totally jealous lol. :p
Enjoy your work while you're still there, and I hope to see you more often on mjjc again! :D
I am so happy you are enjoying your job..good for you...happiness is what is important. :hug:
Ahh so nice to hear from you! Glad all is going well and hope you're having lots of fun! :)
Happy that you're livin' it up! :D Must be so great to be able to have a job that gets you out of the indoors! :)
o0o I love Turkey and it's so hot there at the moment!!

Congratulations on your dream job - we're all happy that you're happy! :)