Excellent new show about the powers that be and their secret agenda


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi all, I just watched the first two episodes and it's pretty good. A little over dramatized but very good investigation.

Here's the first link for the show on HAARP proving "they" can manipulate weather.

First link for the 9/11 show. He even found a guy that told him that the hijackers were in the cockpit before it left the ground.

Next show on Global warming 12/16 at 10 pm on True TV
Jesse Ventura just linked Climategate to Illuminati Rothschild on national TV. Woot woot!

So while the grand kid David De Rothschild who co-hosted Live Earth with Al Gore on 7//07/07, peddles his book
"The Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook: 77 Essential Skills To Stop Climate Change"
making money for GE and various carbon tax software companies one of them HARA owned by Al Gore, grampa or uncle Edmund starts his World Conservation Bank. (see youtube above)

Now that the war profiteers have sucked the Iraq war dry they're moving on to the war on carbon dioxide.
Where's the outrage?

Police Beat Back Massed Climate Protesters
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I'm not saying I don't believe them, but wouldn't those powers be blocking shows like this from appearing on TV if it was true?
That's always a good question. Jesse Ventura said in one of his webcast that he had a bet with crew members that his show would never make it on the air or would not finish the season. But so far so good.

I think at this point TBTB are so far ahead that even if they're exposed, they can't be caught. They have every angle covered and let's face it, we're pretty much all wimps. No?

But, this show about Manchurian candidate triggered something about my theory about how Michael died.

Since Murray is denying ANY wrong doing and he's back at work, my bet is LAPD hooked him up on a lie detector and they believe, he's innocent. That's why when someone here said about Tohme being there maybe somewhere in this huge mansion without even MJ knowing about it, I thought, that's it, Murray got a phone call (isn't one of those been untraceable? Google untraceable cell phone, you'll be amazed what comes up)
he leaves the room, TT enters and turns up the propofol drip. Murray returns and .....

But NOW, after watching that show, I've got another theory.
At some point in time, after Murray became "officially" Michael's doc, someone maybe during a meeting whatever, put a "mickey" in his coffee and then a guy trained in hypnosis comes in, does his thing (it doesn't take long as you see in the demo) , he anchors Murray's subconscious mind with a trigger word. At an appropriate time Murray gets an untraceable call that makes him O.D. Michael and has no recollection of it whatsoever. That's why he keeps saying he did nothing wrong.

This might sound far fetch but it's not. I was married to a hypnotherapist for 10 years and he was an expert at removing what they call "seal" that blocks access to the subconscious mind. Sometimes he'd get people that went to see a show hypnotist and a suggestion that was used during the show stucked in their mind even though they were in the audience. I remember this woman, she couldn't understand why, when she went to the store to buy some popcorn she started laughing hysterically and couldn't stop. These things are easy to fix.

But like the manchurian candidate explains; when body and soul is face with excruciating pain it has two choices, it dies or it splits, it escapes the reality of the moment, therefore creating another personality. It's all explained in personality disorder books.

When my ex would hypnotize one of those patient, he would always have to remove the seal first to be able to talk to the part that experienced the abuse. It was mostly women who were so badly and regularly sexually and physically abused and were told by the perpetrator "if you say anything to anyone, I'll kill you mother" or something like that, it creates a seal and years of traditional therapy can't do anything about it.
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I got to watch some parts of the Jessie Ventura conspiracy theory tv show last night...it was about The Bilderbergs...a secret society that meets up annually by invitation only. Their meetings are always under high security and what they talk about is never divulged. The attendees include Royals and such and Condoleeza Rice was also once invited according to the show. Their philosophy according to the show is to control the whole world and what better way to do that but to eliminate a lot of people....genocide. A little far fetched for my liking so I turned the tv off. Any thoughts on this?
I like Jesse Ventura. I think he's fairly sound in his political beliefs and I tend to agree with him most times I hear him speak. But lately he's been influenced way too much by Alex Jones and I think with this video series he's gone off the deep end a bit. I like Alex Jones too to some extent. He's a conservative for the most part and when he's just talking political philosophy he's generally right on. But he gets caught up in conspiracies. There are too big problems with conspiracy. One, they believe government is competent and two, that government can keep a secret. So as conservatives, both Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura should find it hard to believe in any of these conspiracy that rely on those two fallacies. Both Jones and Ventura have their hearts and minds in the right place, and they are on the right track, but they begin to go off that track when they start talking about conspiracies. If, as a conservative, you can't believe government can even run an efficient educational system, then you shouldn't really be able to believe the government can conduct a massive global conspiracy like that Jones and Ventura are talking about with the "New World Order".
So .... are these people bad or are they doing this for out own good ?

Well according to the show, The Bilderbergs main purpose is to commit genocide. To eradicate the on going rise of the human population because if they were to have the world all in one order, 7 billion people is way too much to handle. Basically like Bob George's post said, a New World Order. Jesse even said that ever since him and his team started to investigate this secret society, he is now their target, that they will get rid of him. Again, it's a little too far fetched for me but secret societies has long been a hot topic for major conspiracy theorists.

I like Jesse Ventura. I think he's fairly sound in his political beliefs and I tend to agree with him most times I hear him speak. But lately he's been influenced way too much by Alex Jones and I think with this video series he's gone off the deep end a bit. I like Alex Jones too to some extent. He's a conservative for the most part and when he's just talking political philosophy he's generally right on. But he gets caught up in conspiracies. There are too big problems with conspiracy. One, they believe government is competent and two, that government can keep a secret. So as conservatives, both Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura should find it hard to believe in any of these conspiracy that rely on those two fallacies. Both Jones and Ventura have their hearts and minds in the right place, and they are on the right track, but they begin to go off that track when they start talking about conspiracies. If, as a conservative, you can't believe government can even run an efficient educational system, then you shouldn't really be able to believe the government can conduct a massive global conspiracy like that Jones and Ventura are talking about with the "New World Order".

Agree Bob! I laughed at the show's notion that these secret societies have the power to select which one will die and live at hospitals and that they can even control the sun! They just go too far. I guess anything for good tv. :doh: