Excellent new Michael Jackson T shirts

MJJ Fan4321

Proud Member
Apr 6, 2013
Lets get a good replica of the 'BEAT IT AMOUR' T shirt available


I have been buying T shirts from the Truffle Shuffle website http://www.truffleshuffle.co.uk/store/ for the past couple years, good quality and excellent sizing for female t shirts, they of course sell male T shirts too!

:) I recently contacted them through facebook re a t shirt I bought. They sorted out my small issue and I made a suggestion in the message that more Michael Jackson T shirts would be great, mentioning the current AEG case and how his fan base is growing more and more. They responded my adding a new Michael Jackson T shirt on there site a couple days later :clap: http://www.truffleshuffle.co.uk/store/ladies-michael-jackson-faded-bad-self-tshirt-p-11775.html which I bought straight away of course.

I facebooked them to thank them for the new MJ T shirt, and they responded my adding ANOTHER MJ T shirt to their site :clap:http://www.truffleshuffle.co.uk/store/mens-michael-jackson-whos-bad-tshirt-p-11776.html

I thanked them again and made a suggestion that they try to make a GOOD replica of the Beat It Amour T shirt! (I sent them so links of photos of the T shirt)

So, if anyone else would like to maybe help me in my quest to have as many high quality MJ T shirts available, please feel free to contact them and make a request. I have no idea if they will add any more MJ T shirts but its worth a shot!

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