Everything happens for a reason


Hi Everybody,
This Thread is to let you all know that tomorrow,Friday 14th May,me and my mom will attend the mass that the Pope Benedict XVI,will give in my town.
I was able to make sure that my mom can be in the special area reserved to sick people,and this means,that she will have the Blessings by the hands of the Pope Himself.
As this is a once in life time chance,as everything happens for a reason,and because i have a lot of Faith in God,i asked my mom if she could have some pictures of people that mean way to much for me,a picture of Michael,and a card saying the name of the MJ fanclubs i belong,to see if the Pope gives all of us His Blessings,and if Michael can have Justice,and some Peace.
Be sure that all of you,either in my mom hands,or in my thoughts,will be remebered in our prayers.
I know this is not much,but if you believe in God like i do,If you believe that He can do Miracles,then this not only makes a lot of sence, as it's something that it's needed,to see if we can have the wisdom and strengh to deal with everything that happened,and that will happen.
God Bless MJJC!each and everyone of you!
Hey Maria, I hope it all goes well with your mum tomorrow :) I will be thinking of both of you too!

Much love

Hannah xxx


Sweetie,thank you me.Be sure you are in my deepest prayers.Not just tomorrow but always.
good luck Maria..I hopeyou and your mom enjoy the visit with the Pope. And thank you for praying for all of us here at MJJC....we sure could use some extra prayers. :hug:
I hope that a miracle will happen to your mother and that MJ-fans come together and make a better place on earth just like Michael wanted.
My day and my mom's was very exausting.
It started at 6am,when we got up.
At 7.10am i was leaving my mom with the ambulance that took her to special area reserved to sick people,and then i walked to the Aliados square,where i had to stand on feet,waiting for the mass to start for 3 and half hours.
There were estimated to be in Aliados,something like 250 million people,no place to seat,so i had to stay all the time on my feet.The mass lasted 2 hours,and after that,i had to go back,walking,to the place were i had left my mom earlier,and when i reached her,it was 2 pm.
The mass was amazing,but the Pope didn't bless the sick people the way he usually does because of lack of time.
If in a way i feel great to have been in a memorable event,on the other way i feel awfull,because my mom didn't have that especial bless she thought she was going to have.
If miracles do happen,the conclusion i reach,is that i don't derseve them at all because i am not even able to give a joy to my mom.
I just hope that the pictures i took,the flyers,were blessed.I have no way of knowing it,but i have to believe they were,or i'll go crazy.
All the work for nothing...I know we don't always have what we want,but how to deal with costant pain?constant dissapointements?
When i arrived home at 4pm,i couldn't feel my feet.I had to walk home from the square i was,and i was thinking that all of it was worth it,because it was a sacrifice i offer God for Michael,for all of us,for My mom...today i woke up completly afonic because of the cold and rain i caught,and the feeling of frustation gets bigger the more i think about what should have happened and it didn't.That is the reason why i want to ask all of you to excuse me because i said i was going to do something,and i have no idea if it was done or not.
I know that you will say that i have nothing to be sorry for,but in my heart i feel i have to,even if i did all i could,and prayed for all of us,for Michael,for my mom,nd a miracle.
Thank you for taking your time reading this thread that i thought it was going to be something very different than it is.
good luck Maria..I hopeyou and your mom enjoy the visit with the Pope. And thank you for praying for all of us here at MJJC....we sure could use some extra prayers. :hug:

There's no need to thank at all.I always pray for all of us,and for Mcihael and his family.Michael is my life and so are all the mj fans.

I hope that a miracle will happen to your mother and that MJ-fans come together and make a better place on earth just like Michael wanted.

Thank you for your wishes.Amen to what you said about Michael.We sure need to be together now more than ever.