Everyone Rate "This Is It" at IMDB.COM


I'll creat an account.
Over 170 votes of 1/10. Clearly haters I'd say...
178 people have given it 1 star out of 10 !!

Sick - those stupid haters - I bet they haven't even seen the movie!
They are probably rating the movie down like they did with Jonas brothers but Michael deserves this
voted 10/10.

im going to spread it to other message boards so it can actually reach a 10
I just read some of the comments, most of them were great. I left my own too, obviously i said it was excellent.
Where are the votes??

Why IMBD are not adding votes, since I voted it is still at 1,044!!
Voted!!!! 10/10!! 178 people voted "1"OMG!! Go f*ck yourselfs haters!!!!
Re: Where are the votes??

the votes dont get counted in real time, it updates ever so often, its updated now though.

Oh yes I just checked, it is now 7.4/10 and total votes are 2,170

I'll create another account and vote again
They have updated pol... Arithmetic mean = 8.1, a weighted average vote of 7.4 / 10.

273 people gave TII 1... but check this: only 16,04% of people rate it from 1-5... so people actually like the movie.
Damn! I knew it! it's at 7.4
But we have lots & lots of members here, plus members from other fansites etc. I'm sure if we all pitch in it will make a difference.
It at least deserves an 8. something

I voted 10 of course :)
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